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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Will of Thomas Matteson
Dated March 14, 1793, Proved April 13, 1793

Source: Coventry, RI Probate Records Vol 1 pages 209-212

In the Name of God Amen The fourteenth day
Of March in the Year of our LORD one thousand Seven
Hundred and ninety three, I Thomas Matteson of Coventry
In the County of Kent and State of Rhode Island Esq. --
Being Weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be
Given unto God: Therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my body
And Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make
And ordain This (illegible word crossed out) my Last will and Testament~~
That is to say, principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my
Soul into the hands of God that Gave it, and my body to the Earth to
Be buried in decent Christian burial at the Discretion of my Executor
And as Touching Such wordly Estate where with it hath pleased God
To Bless me in this Life I give Demise and Dispose of the same
In the following manner and form ---------------------------------------------
Imprimis, My Will is that my Just Debts and funeral Charges be paid
              (illegible word crossed out) In a Short Convenient time after my decease

end page 209

Item,- I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving son Thomas Matteson Thirty
          Silver Dollars to him his heirs or assigns to be paid within three Years
          After my decease by my Executor hereafter to be Named together
          And that together with what he my said son Thomas hath heretofore Received
          To be in full his portion to all my Estate Both Real and personal
Item,- I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving son Francis Matteson thirty
          Silver Dollars to be paid within three Years after my decease by my
          Executor herein after Named to him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item,- I Give and Bequeath unto my beloved son David matteson thirty
          Silver Dollars to be paid him within three Years after my decease
          By my Executor hereinafter Named to him his heirs and assigns forever
Item,- I Give and bequeath unto my beloved son John Matteson fifty Silver
          Dollars to be paid him within two Years after my Decease by my Executor
          Hereafter to be Named to him his heirs and assigns forever ~~~~~~~~
Item,- I Give and bequeath unto my beloved son Henry Matteson fifty Silver
          Dollars to be paid by my Executor hereafter Named to him his heirs and
          Assigns forever within two Years after my Decease ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Item,- I Give and bequeath unto my Beloved son Job Matteson all my
          Land to the Northward of the highway that is through my Land
          Leading to the Bridge at the North End of the fish pond so called
          Said Land Bounded Easterly on the River. Northerly on my said
          Son Job Mattesons Land. Southerly on said highway. Being a peak
          at thinest End. To have all within said Bounds be the same more
          Or Less, to him his heirs and assigns forever ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Item,- I Give and Bequeath unto my three Eldest Daughters Namely Sarah
          Colvin, Phebe Whaley, and Hannah Tyler twenty Silver Dollars Each
          To be paid by my Executor hereafter Named with ^in^ three Years after my
          Decease to them their heirs and assigns forever ~~~~~~~~~~
Item.- I Give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter Elizabeth
          Matteson two feather beds and the furniture that Now belongs to the
          Same, and fifteen Silver Dollars within one year after my Decease
          and one quarter part of all the pewter and ironware that is Used
          In the House to her and her heirs and assigns forever ~~~~~
Item - I Give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Marcy Matteson
          Two feather Beds and the furniture that Now Belong to the same
          and fifteen Silver Dollars one of the feathers and fifteen Silver
          Dollars to be paid and Delivered in one Year after my decease by my
          Executor, and the other feather bed to be Delivered at my wifes decease
          That my wife is to have the Use of During her Life, I also Give unto
          My ^said^Daughter Marcy Matteson the one quarter part of all the pewter and
          Ironware that is Used in the house to be Delivered unto her in one year

end page 210

Year after my Decease- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Item - I Give and Bequeath unto the heirs of my beloved son Richard
          Matteson Deceased, Namely Levi, Alden, Joanna and Richard Mat-
          -teson or to the Survivers of them Sixty Silver Dollars and to be
          Paid unto them or to the survivers of them when they Shall arrive
          To Lawfull age by my Executor hereafter to be named, and to
          Be to them or the Surviver or Survivoers of them their heirs and
          Assigns forever - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
Item, - I Give and Bequeath unto my Truely and well beloved Wife
          Susannah Matteson one Room in my Dwelling house for her Use
          During her Natural Life and the one half of all the pewter
          and Iron ware free and Clear forever. and my Black mare
          and Side Saddle and Bridle, and one Cow to be Kept all there
          Year Round and firewood Cut and Drawed to the Door sufficie^(nt
          To maintain one fire the Year Round and Eight ^Bushels^ of Good Corn
          forty pounds weight of beef Yearly and Every Year During her
          Natural Life and to be provided for her out of my Real Estate
          and out door moveable Estate that I herein after Give to my
          Son Solomon Matteson and all the Last mentioned Gifts to be in
          Lue of her Right of Dowry and power of thirds in and unto all
          My Real Estate, and to be performed by my Executor hereafter
          Named ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Item - I ^further^ Give unto my ^Beloved^ Son Henry Matteson all my wearing apparril
          Except my Beaver hat to him and his heirs ^and assigns^ forever ~~~~~~~
Item - I Give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Son Solomon Matteson
          all my homestead farm in Coventry which I Now Live on with
          all the Remainder of my Estate Both Real andpersonal ~
          Whereforever the same may be found Lying or being which I have
          Not herein before Given away, as a free and Clear Indefeasible
          Estate of inheritance in fee simple to him his heirs and assigns
Lastly I do Hereby ordain Constitute and appoint my aforenamed
          Son Solomon Matteson my whole and Sole Executor of this
          My Last will and Testament, and to pay all my Just Debts
          and Legacies and funeral Charges out of the part of my
          Estate Given to him, And I Do hereby Revoke disallow
          and disannull all and Every former or other Will or wills

End page 211

Executor or Executors By me heretoafore in any wise Willed or Be-
Queathed Rattifying and Confirming this and no other to Be my
Last Will and Testament- In Witness Whereof I have hereunto
Set my hand and Seal the day and Year first afore written -----------

Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared By the
Said Thomas Matteson as his Last will and Testament ~
In Presence of
Sam. Wall                                                  Thomas Matteson {seal}
John Stafford
Isaac Johnson

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