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The Matteson Surname Project


Testing provided by:

Group Administrators: Ken Matteson

Group Co-administrators: Rbeda Coffey, Marge Matteson

Project: Website - Statistics

Project Surnames:

Madison, Matheson, Mathewson, Matson, Mattason, Matterson, Matteson, Mattieson, Mattison

Project Background:

Matteson Y-DNA testing for the male descendents of the name Matteson, Mattison, Madison, Mattewson, Mattheson, Matterson, Matson, Matteeson, and all other variations. Project DNA testing is being conducted by Family Tree DNA. Founded in 2000, FamilyTreeDNA pioneered the field of genetic genealogy-the use of DNA testing to establish relationships between individuals and determine ancestry. As leaders in the industry, we provide advanced technology for users to gain further insight into their family history-all with a simple swab of DNA. Over 2 million people have tested with FamilyTreeDNA, resulting in the most comprehensive DNA matching database in the industry.

This will unite all cousins and give us a better idea of who we are and where we came from. The name has changed in spelling through no fault of the ancestor. Often spelled as it sounded to the person writing it down, sometimes they didn't even ask how it was spelled.

Project Goals:

  1. Determine our country of origin
  2. Identify those who are related
  3. Solve brick walls in research
  4. Prove or disprove theories regarding ancestors
  5. Determine a location for further research
  6. Validate exising research

Project Requirements:

A Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname. Since surnames are passed down from father to son like the Y-chromosome, this test is for males taking a Y-DNA test. Females do not carry their father's Y-DNA and acquire a new surname by way of marriage, so the tested individual must be a male that wants to check his direct paternal line (father's father's father's...) with a Y-DNA12, Y-DNA37, or Y-DNA67 marker test. Females who would like to check their direct paternal line can have a male relative with this surname order a Y-DNA test. Females can also order an mtDNA test for themselves such as the mtDNA or the mtDNAPlus test and participate in an mtDNA project.


Since the Y chromosome is only found in men, those who take the Y-DNA test must be males. For females who are interested in the Y-DNA result for their surname or family tree, a close male relative with that surname would need to provide the sample.

The Y chromosome is transmitted from father to son. Testing the Y chromosome provides information about the direct male line, meaning the father to his father and so on. The locations tested on the Y chromosome are called markers. Occasionally a mutation occurs at one of the markers in the Y chromosome. Mutations are simply small changes in the DNA sequence. They are natural occurrences and take place at random intervals. Overall, they are estimated to occur once every 500 generations per marker. Mutations can sometimes be valuable in identifying branches of a family tree.

How many markers to test?

By using additional markers, groups of related participants have a better chance of finding mutations which identify sub-branches in the family. For this reason I would recommend the 67 or 111 marker test.

Participants who have previously ordered the 12 or 25 marker test can order test refinements or additional tests against their DNA already on file.

You should test more markers when you want to compare additional markers against others with similar results to you. The additional STR markers will refine your matches. If you currently have many Y-DNA12, Y-DNA25, or Y-DNA37 matches you should certainly consider upgrading your Y-DNA profile to a higher level. You may always upgrade to a higher level of testing as your number of matches and needs change. Our motto could be: Test only what you need, and upgrade only when necessary.

Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA)

Number of matching markers Probability that the MRCA was not more than this number of generations ago
50% 90% 95%
10 of 10 16.5 56 72
11 of 12 17 39 47
12 of 12 7 23 29
23 of 25 11 23 27
24 of 25 7 16 20
25 of 25 3 10 13
35 of 37 6 12 14
36 of 37 4 8 10
37 of 37 2 to 3 5 7
65 of 67 6 12 14
66 of 67 4 8 9
67 of 67 2 4 6
107 of 111 7 11 13
108 of 111 5 10 11
109 of 111 4 8 9
110 of 111 2 6 7
111 of 111 1 3 to 4 5

Y-DNA Haplogroups

Using the results of a Y-DNA marker test, Family Tree DNA estimates the tester’s haplogroup. The haplogroup identifies the person's major population group and provides information about the ancient origin of the male line. Family Tree DNA also offers a haplogroup test which participants can use to confirm their haplogroup assignment. The “Backbone” haplogroup test confirms the base haplogroup assignment, and the “Deep Clade” haplogroup test identifies the branch of the haplogroup the person belongs to.


mtDNA is passed from mother to child. Since only females pass on their mtDNA, testing the mtDNA tells about the mother, to her mother, and so on along the direct maternal line. Both males and females receive mtDNA from their mothers, so both men and women can test their mtDNA.

While mutations occur in mtDNA, the rate of mutation is relatively slow. Over thousands of years these mutations build up so that one female line will have a sequence distinguishable from another. As people spread throughout the world, mutations occasionally occurred in different populations over time. This allows us to test the mtDNA to identify the world origin of a person’s lineage.

mtDNA is tested and the result is compared to a reference sequence called the Cambridge Reference Sequence (CRS). By comparing an mtDNA sequence to the CRS, we can identify the ancient lineage to which you belong, called the haplogroup. Many haplogroups are continent-specific and some of their branches are region-specific.

mtDNA Haplogroups

Haplogroups are labeled alphabetically. Today, anthropologists have identified certain haplogroups that originated in Africa, Europe, Asia, the islands of the Pacific, the Americas, and sometimes particular ethnic groups. Of course, haplogroups that are specific to one region are sometimes found in another, but this is due to more recent migration.

For more information:

FAQ - About DNA testing and genealogy by genetics
Videos - Listen to Surname Project coordinators discuss how DNA helped in their family research.
Test Kit - See what's in the test kit. Instructions
Types of Tests - The complete listing of all tests being offered.

Join the Matteson DNA Surname Project:

We would like to get representitives from each of Henry's sons for comparison as well as any individuals sharing the Matteson surname or variant. If you are interested in participating in the Matteson DNA Surname Project, you may click on the link below to join the project and purchase your DNA test kit. Or to help defray the costs of DNA testing for those wishing to participate you may also make donations to the Matteson DNA Project General Fund. Contact one of the project administrators for more information.

Join the Matteson Project - Order Tests

Contributing to the General Fund

Interpreting The Results:

Y-DNA Test Results (Alleles) for Project Members

DNA Test Results (mtDNA) for Project Members

Genetic Distance

Genetic Distance is the number of differences, or mutations, between two sets of results. A genetic distance of zero means there are no differences in the results being compared against one another, i.e., an exact match. This is the meaning when comparing Y-chromosome DNA or mitochondrial DNA.

  • 0    Related
  • 1    Possibly Related
  • 2    Probably Not Related
  • 3    Not Related
  • 4    Not Related
  • 5    Not Related
  • >5  Not Related


The Haplogroup predictions clearly indicate a Western Europe origin. This is indicated by the R-M269 designation, which is the haplogroup predicted for all related project members.

Haplogroup R1b1 is the most common haplogroup in European populations. It is believed to have expanded throughout Europe as humans re-colonized after the last glacial maximum 10-12 thousand years ago. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype.

Haplogroup R-M269 (R1b1a2) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A point to note is that Denmark, Scotland, Ireland, and England are all among the countries that fall within the R1b1a2 haplogroup. Of course in order to find a country of origin we would need to find a genetic link between Henry Matteson's known descendants and other living descendants of his family in the originating country. It is within the realm of possibility that Henry had relatives that did not emmigrate and there could very well be some of their descendants still living in that country.

  • R1b   Western Europe
  • R1a   Eastern Europe
  • I       Nordic
  • J2     Semitic
  • E3b   Semitic
  • Q3    Native American



The Ancestry DNA Project


The Genographic Project is a real time effort to map how humankind populated the earth. It is a five-year research partnership between National Geographic and IBM with support from the Waitt Family Foundation, and public participation through Family Tree DNA. The three main pillars of the project include:

Global field science: The core of the project is the collection DNA samples from indigenous populations, which contains key genetic markers that have remained relatively unaltered over hundreds of generations making them reliable indicators of ancient migratory patterns. Dr. Wells and a group of 10 scientists from prominent international institutions will conduct the field and laboratory research. One additional research center will focus on analyzing DNA from ancient remains. The Waitt Family Foundation is funding this component of the Genographic Project. An international advisory board will oversee the selection of indigenous populations for testing as well as adherence to strict sampling and research protocols.

Public participation and Awareness Campaign: The general public can take part in the project by purchasing a Genographic Project Public Participation Kit and submitting their own cheek swab sample, allowing them to track the overall progress of the project as well as learn their own migratory history. These personal results are stored anonymously to protect the privacy of participants. National Geographic will regularly update the public and the scientific community on project findings, including through the website and through National Geographic's many other media platforms worldwide.

Genographic Legacy Fund: Proceeds from the sale of the Genographic Public Participation Kits helps fund future field research and a legacy project, which will build on National Geographic's 118-year-long focus on world cultures. The Genographic Legacy Fund will support education and cultural preservation projects among participating and other indigenous groups.


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