We welcome your contributions to this site. We review all submissions received but can not guarantee that all submissions will be used.
When submitting information to, please keep the following guidelines in mind.
- Please remember to include your name and be sure to use a valid, working email address so that I have a way to contact you if need be.
- Fill in the Subject field, email received with an empty subject field will probably be deleted by my spam filters.
- If you are including photos or other files please remember to attach the files to the email. If sending large files use seperate emails for them or zip them using a compression program such as Winzip etc..
- Photos should be in .jpg format if possible. If not, I can convert them for you. Remember larger is better. I can always reduce a large photo, but enlarging a small one gives poor results.
- Please send text information as simple text files (.txt), or as rich text files (.rtf). Word Files can sometimes carry macro viruses.
- When sending ancestral files please do not send your entire gedcom or family tree maker file etc. these files can be huge and I have a limited amount of space. Try to export your ancestral file as a simple text file (.txt) or an .html file. These are easiest to reproduce here.
- If I reproduce your file here I may include your contact information so that others can contact you regarding the information. If you do not want your contact information displayed please make a point of telling me so.
- Please respect other people's copyrights.
- If you have a question, go ahead and ask.
These are just guidelines. Nothing is set in stone. When in doubt, send what you have and I will do what I can with it.
Send submissions to:
We reserve the right to edit submissions for length, content, spelling, etc.. All submissions become the property of