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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Will of Obadiah Matteson
Dated October 9,1832, Proved June 21, 1834

Source: Coventry, RI Probate Records Vol 5 pages 70-72

Be it Remembered that I Obadiah Matteson of Coventry in the
County of Kent and State of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations
Being of sane mind and calling to mind the mortality of my Body
and in awe of approaching dissolution, do make and ordain
this as my Last Will and Testament that is to say )
First.           I Give and Devise unto my wife Phebe Matteson
                   all of my Homestead farm whereon I now live together
with all the Buildings thereon Standing for and during the term
of her Natural Life ~
Secondly.    I Give and Bequeath unto my said wife all my
                    Indoor moveable Estate for the time of her natural Life
                    also my best milk cow during the aforesaid term of her
                    natural life also Twenty dollars to be paid by Executor
                    herein after named.
Thirdly.       I Give and devise unto my son Rufus Matteson
                    all of my homestead farm whereon I now live after the decease
                    of my wife  also my Hungry-hill Lot (so called) likewise
                    all of my Lots in misnick swamp on the east side of the
                    River ying in West Greenwich to him his heirs and assigns
                    forever  ~
Fourthly.     I Give and devise unto my two sons Eason
                    Matteson and Obadiah Matteson my old Farm in
                    West Greenwich, and also the Remaining part of a
                    ten acre Lot lying in said West Greenwich also one lot
                    in misnick swamp one the east side of the River lying
                    in Coventry to be equally divided Between them to them
                    their heirs and assigns forever  ~
Fifthly         I Give and divise to my three Grandaughters Chil
                    dren of my son Thomas Namely Hannah Matteson
                    Phebe Matteson and Eddy Matteson my Narrowslane
                    Lot after the decease of my wife  the same being Given
                    to my said wife by her father during her life and en
                    tailed to my son Thomas to them their heirs and assigns
                    forever to be equally divided between them
Sixthly,        I Give and Bequeath unto my aforesaid Grandaugh
                    ters viz Hannah Matteson Phebe Matteson & Eddy Matteson
                    one Hundred Dollars Each to be paid by my Executor herein
                    hereinafter Named to be paid in the following manner
                    one Hundred dollars to Hannah Matteson in one year
                    after my decease, one Hundred dollars to Phebe Matteson
                    in two years, and one hondred dollars to Eddy Matteson
                    in threee years after my decease to them theirs heirs and assigns
                    forever  ~
Seventhly.   I Give and bequeath unto my said ^three^grandaugh
                    ters (viz) Hannah Matteson Phebe Matteson Eddy
                    Matteson one feather bed and one Blanket to be equally
                    divided between them to them their heirs and assigns forever
Eighthly      I Give and Bequeath unto my Two sons Eason Matte
                   son and Obadiah Matteson Three Hundred dollars to be
                   Equally divided between them their heirs and assigns
                   forever to be paid by my Executor in one year after my decease
Ninthly       I Give and Bequeath unto my two Daughters
                   (viz) Hannah Eldredge and Sarah King all my
                   Household furnature after the decease of my said wife
                   to be Equally divided between them, to them their heirs
                   and assigns forever  ~
Tenthly      I Give and Bequeath unto my said two daughters
                  Hannah Eldredge and Sarah King Sixty dollars to
                  them their heirs and assigns forever to be paid by my
                  Executor herein after named to be equally divided Between
                  them their heors ands assigns forever  ~
Eleventhly I Give and Bequeath unto my son Rufus
                  Matteson all my stock not heretofore given away together
                  with all my outdoor moveable estate to him his heirs &
                  assigns forever  ~
Twelfthly  I Give devise and Bequeath unto my said
                 son Rufus Matteson all money and Securities for
                 money he paying all my Just debts funural Expenses
                 and Legacies together with all my Estate and Estates
                 Real and personal not otherwise Given away, to him
                 his heirs assigns forever  ~
Lastly       I Hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint
                 my said son Rufus Matteson Sole Executor of this
                 my Last Will & Testament to see the same perform
according to the true Intent hereof ^hereby^Revoking and annulling all other
and former Wills by me made and Establishing and Confirming
this & this only as my last Will and Testament  ~
                 In Testimony Where of I do hereunto set my hand
and Seal this Twenty ninth day of October in the year of
our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and thirty two 1832
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced
and Declared by said Obadiah Matteson
as and for his Last Will & Testament
in the Presence of us who at the same
time at his Request and in his presence
and in the presence of Each other
hereunto set our names as witnesses
to the same                                                                         his
                                                                              Obadiah x  Matteson
Phillip Matteson
David Straight jun
John Wood

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