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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Will of Marcy (Mercy) Matteson - Wife of Josiah Matteson
Dated March 23, 1808, Proved April 24, 1815

Source: West Greenwich, RI Wills Book 4 pages 129-129

In the name of God Amen the 23rd day of March AD 1808
I Marcy Matteson of West Greenwich in the County of Kent
being Weak of body but a perfect and Sound mind and Memory
thanks be to God for the Same therefore calling to mind the
Mortality of body, and knowing that it is appointed for all
people once to die, I do hereby make and ordain this my
Last will and Testament. that is to Say first of all I give
and Recommend My Soul to the hands of God that gave it
and my body I Recommend to the earth to be buried in Some
decent manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter
Named, and as it hath pleased God to bless me in this life
I Give and dispose of the Same in the following Manner
and form-I Give to my son Stukley Matteson Two meat
casks with a Cover to each of them, also I Give to the said
Stukley one Striped black and red bed blanket, I also give to
the said Stukley a Slice and tongs, and Small Trammel ~
I also Give to my Son Russel Matteson Two Meat Casks
with no Covers, I also Give to said son Rusell one Square
cupboard, I also give to the said Russel one Lantern and one
Small Trammel, I also Give to my Grand daughter Eunice
Matteson daughter to Luraney Matteson one Looking Glass.
I also Give to the Said Eunice one Small red chest~ I also
Give to the said Eunice one White bed Blanket, I also Give
to the Said Eunice one Small pair of tongs and five pan
I also Give to the Said Eunice one pewter bason holding
three pints. I also Give to my daughter Rachel Sweet Brass
Kettle. I also Give to my daughter Rosanna Matteson one
pair of worsted combs~ All the Remainder to be Equally
divided between my three daughters Rosannah Dinah and
Rachel, furthermore My Money and cow if I have any
Money and cow, to be Equally divided betwixt all of my Children
all these above said Articles to be paid out by my Executors~
I Likewise appoint and ordain my son Stukley Matteson
and Russel to be my Executors of this my Last Will and
Testament to pay all of my Just Debts and Legacies herein
Mentioned and I do hereby disallow all other or former Wills
Testaments Legacies or Executors by me in anywise made
Ratifying and Confirming this and no Other to be my Last
Will and Testament. In Witness hereof I have hereunto
Set my hand and Seal the day and year above written
Signed Sealed Published pronounced and declared by the said
Marcy Matteson as Last Will and Testament in the presence
of us the subscibers.

Wm Swee                                                            Marcy x Matteson     seal
Alce Sweet mark
Sarah Sweet

Whereas Stukley Matteson and Russel Matteson Executors
to the foregoing Will appeared before the Court of probate
at their Meeting on the 24th day of April AD 1815
and presented Said Will in order for a Probate, and two
of the Witnesses to wit Wm Sweet and Alce Sweet appeared
before said Court at the Same time and on oath declared
that they saw the Testatrix to wit the said Marcy Matteson
now deceased Sign Seal publish pronounceand declare the
Said Instrument to be her Last will and Testament, and that
in her presence and in the presence of Sarah Sweet the other
Subscibing Witness, the Set their hands to said Instrument
as Witnesses, and the the said Sarah set her hand as a
Witness at the Same time, and that according to the best
of their Judgement the Testatrix was at the time of Executing
the Same of a Sound disposing mind and memory for which
Reason Said Will is proved and approved of by said Court
and allowed a Lawfull Probate.

Witness                                  Jon a Nichols  P.Clk

The Foregoing Will With the Probate Recorded April
25th AD 1815
                                 Jon a Nichols  P.Clk

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