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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Will of Josiah Matteson
Dated August 20, 1796, Proved February 23, 1801

Source: West Greenwich, RI Wills Book 4 pages 182-183

In the name of God amen this Twentyeth day of August
in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eight
ninety Six and Twenty first Year of Independency I Josiah Matteson
of West Greenwich in the County of Kent and State of Rhode
Island yeoman being Somewhat Indisposed as to my Bodyly -
Health but of a Sound and perfect mind - memory thanks
be given to Almighty God for it therefore Calling to mind
the mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed
for all men once to die and after that to Judgement I do
make this my Last Will and Testament that is to Say -
Principally and first I give and Recomend my Soul to -
God that gave it my Body to be Buryed in the Earth in a
Decent manner by my Executors hereafter named and as
touching Such wordly Estate as it hath pleased God to Bless me
with here in this life I give and Dispose of the Same in the Same
manner and form following ---------------------------------
Imprimis my will is and I do order that all my Just Debts and
funeral Charges be first paid out of my Estate by my Executors
hereafter Named----------------------------
Item I give and bequeath unto my two Sons that is Richard and Abel
Matteson Twenty five good Silver Dollars Each that is to Say
Twenty five a peace to be paid them in one year after my after my Decease
by my Executors hereafter named and to be at their Disposal
Item I give and bequeath unto my four Daughters namely Rosannah
Matteson Rachel Sweet Dinah King Lurannah Matteson Each of them
Last Named one Cow a piece to be paid to them by my Executors
hereafter Named and to be at their Disposal forever---------
Item I give and Bequeath to my Grand Daughter Sarah Matte
-son one feather bed and Beding together with one Iron
Pot to be Delivered to her in some Convenient time after
my Decease by my Executors hereafter Named and to be at
her disposal forever---

end page 182

Item I give and bequeath to my beloved wife all of the Remainder
part of my Indoor Movable Estate or household Goods to be delivered
to her in Some Convenient time after my Decease by my Executors
hereafter Named and to be at her Disposal forever---
Item I give and bequeath to my beloved wife one Cow and four sheep
to be delivered to her Soon after my Decease by my Executors
hereafter named and to be at her Disposal forever and I do
hereby order my two Sons Stukely and Russel Matteson to
Cut and Cart Suufficient firewood for my beloved Wife
that is their Mother and to bring the Same to the House where
She lives during her Life or widowhood-----
Item I give and bequeath to my two Sons Stukely and Russell Matte
son all the Remaindor part of my outdoor movables and Estate
both Stock of all Kind, and all of my farming Tackling and
Cooper tools to them their Heirs and Assigns forever and to be
Equally devided betwixt them that is to Say Russell and Stukely
Matteson Furthermore I give to my two Executors all the Re
mainder of my Estate that I have not heretofore given away
if any there be to be equally divided betwist them and at
their Disposal forever. And I do hereby Constitute ordain
and appoint my two Sons Stukely and Russel Matteson
to be my whole and Sole Executors to this my Last Will and
Testament hereby disallowing all other Executors, Wills and
Bequeaths heretofore by me made hereby Confirming and
Establishing this and this only to be my Last Will and
Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto - my
hand and Seal this Eighth day of September in the
Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety
Six and Twenty first Year of American Independance -
In Presence of

Stephen Bailey                                                  his
Lydia Harington }                                     Josiah + Matteson    seal
Robert Bailey                                                    mark

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