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Transcribed by Mary Ellen Dickerson

Will of Greene Madison
Dated August 17, 1868

Recorded August 17, 1868
Nichl. M. Spink, P. Clk.
Be it remembered that I Green Madison of North Kingstown in the County of Washington in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Yeoman, being of lawful age and of sane mind do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in the following manner, that is to say,
First, I give and divise to my son William G. Madison my Homestead Farm where I now live to him his heirs and assigns forever.
Secondly, I give to my daughter Betsey Dickerson three hundred dollars in money and also one bed, bedstead and bedding to be paid by my executor herein after named out of my personal estate and bed to be delivered to my said Betsey Dickerson.
Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my son, Benjamin R. Madison, three hundred dollars in money and one cow, money to be paid to him and cow delivered by my executor herein after named.
Fourthly, I give to my daughter, Mary S. Madison, three hundred dollars in money, one bed, bedstead and bedding to be paid by executor herein after named.  Also a home in my house.
Fifthly, I give to my son Isaac A. Madison, twenty five dollars to be paid by my executor hereinafter named.
Sixthly, I give to my daughter Louisa Havens twenty five dollars to be paid by my Executor hereinafter named.
Seventhly, I give to my daughter Sally Alexander twenty five dollars to be paid by executor hereinafter named.
Eighthly, I give to my daughter Emily Jones twenty five dollars to be paid by my executor hereinafter named.
All the foregoing gifts by me made in money to be paid within one year from my decease by my executor.
Ninth, I give and devise and bequeah unto my son William G. Madison all the rest and residue and remainder of my estate and estates both real and personal to him his heirs and assigns forever he paying all my just debts and funeral charges.
Lastly, I hereby nominate, constitue and appoint by said son William G. Madison my Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and annulling all other and former wills by me made and establishing and confirming this and this only as my last will and Testament.
In Testimony where of I do hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixy eight -- 1868.
Signed, sealed, pronounced and declared
by the said Greene Madison as and for
his last Will & Testament in the presence of us   his
where at the same time at                       Greene X Madison  
his request in his presence and in presence   mark
of each other hereunto set our names
as witnesses to the same.
Allen Wightman
Benjamin T. Watson
Harris Smith

At a Court of Probate of the Town of North Kingston on the 14th day of September 1868.
The petition of William G. Madison in writing, praying that  a certain instrument in writing presented there with purporting to be the last Will & Testament of Greene Madison late of North Kingston deceased may be proved, allowed & recorded and that letters, testamentary on the estate of said Greene Madison may be granted to him which was presented to this Court ont he 10th day of August last and and then referred to this time, with an order of notice thereon is ________? taken up anad it appearing that notice has been duly given pursuant to said order, said instrument is now read, and Allen Wightman, Benjamin T. Watson & Harris Smith, the three subscribing witnesses are present and being sworn, testify that they were present and saw said Greene Madison sign and seal said instrument and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last Will & Testament and that they at the same time, at the request of the said Greene Madison and his presence and in the presence of each other subscribed these names as witnesses, thereto and that said Greene Madison was then of sane mind and more than twenty one years of age and no person appearing to object.
It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that said instrument is proved to be the last Will and Testament of said Greene Madisonand as such is allowed and ordered to be recorded.  And that letters, testamentary on the estate of said Greene Madison be granted to said Wm. G. Madison who is name therein as executor thereof, and said Wm. G. Madison is ordered and required before entering upon said trust to give bon in the sum of two thousand dollars, with Allen Wightman & Benjamin T. Watson as suretey in the form ______? by law for th epayment of the funeral charges, debts and legacies of said Greene Madison, the said Wm. G. Madison being the residuary legatee named in said Will.
Nich. N. Spink P. Clerk.
Letter Testamentary
The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Washington Co. By the Court of Probate of the Town of North Kingston in the County of Washington and State aforesaid.  To William G. Madison in the County and Sate aforesaid.  Greeting.
Whereas this Court have thi day proved, approved, allowed and caused to be recorded the last Will and Testament of Greene Madison late of North Kingston in said County deceased, which is hereunto ____?
wherein you are named as the Executor thereof and you having accepted said trust and given bond as the law directs, are, by these presents, autahorized and empowered to recover, receive and take possession of the estate whereof said Green Madison died seized and possessed and the same to administer according to law and to the provisions of said last Will and Testament.
In Testimony whereof we have caused the seal of said Court to be hereunto affixed, this fourteenth day of September A. D. 1868.
Recorded September 16, 1868
Nichl. N. Spink, P. Clerk

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