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Transcribed by Robert Nolte Matteson

Will of David Matteson Jr.
Dated May 28,1847, Proved July 31, 1847

Source: West Greenwich, RI Wills Vol 10 pages 10-13

In the Name of  God Amen, I David Matteson of West Green
wich in the County of Kent and State of Rhode Island, and Providence Plant
=ations, yeomen, Being of a Sound Sane and desposeing mind and  mem
=ory, though somewhat debilitated  and weak in body, and knowing
the mortality of my body, and that it is appointed for man to die
do make and ordain this Instrument  as my last will & Testament
Firstly, I Give and recommend, my Soul to god who gave it my
     Body to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at
     the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named, and as touching
     Such worldly, Estate as it hath pleased god to bless, me with in
     this Life I give bequeath and dispose of in the following manner, namely ~
     I Give and bequeath to my Son Amos Matteson one Large and
     one Small Silver Spoon to him his heirs and assigns forever, and the
     reason why I give my Said Son no more is that I gave him a Carpen
     =ters trade when young and his wages arising therefrom ~
Thirdly, I give devise and and bequeath to my Son  Peleg Matteson the
     one undivided half of a swamp Lot no-two Situate in the Town of
     Coventry in great grass pond Swamp (so called) which I purchased of
     of Elizabeth Arnold together with my best Close body Coat best ~
     pantaloons and one Silk Velvet Vest ~ with one large and one Small ~
     Silver Spoon to him his heirs and assigns forever, and the reason why I give him
     no more is he has had his portion in real Estate ~
Fourthly, I give and bequeath to my Son Andrew Matteson one note of hand which
     I hold against him dated September the 9th A1827 for the Sum of Two hundred
     and thirty one dollars, and fifty Seven Cents, together with the interest thereon, with
     one Large and one Small Silver Spoon to him his heirs and assigns forever ~
     I Give and bequeath to my Son Wait Matteson three hundred and fifty dollars
     together with the remainder of my wearing apparrel not heretofore given away
     with one large and one Small Silver Spoon, and any Cloth that I may have on ~
     hand and not made up at my decease, To him his heirs and assigns forever ~
Sixthly, I Give and Devise  to my Son Jeremiah Matteson the Draper farm that I pur
     =chased of Pardon Brown, refferance being had to Said deed, recorded in West Green
     =wich records, as to the bounds of Said farm will fully appear, Together with the East
     end of the Russel Matteson lot, Beginning at the head of the lane and from thence
     running Southerly as the old wall Stands on the East West Side of the wood land
     till it Comes, to land of Bowen Matteson and thence Easterly bounding Southerly
     on land of Said Bowen Matteson to the highway thence northerly on Said high
     =way till it Comes to the Said Draper farm thence Westerly bounding northerly
      on Said Draper Land to the place of beginning.  Reserving however, the right
     of a passway, where, it will be most Convenient through Said Lot to the high
     =way – for the use and benefit of the owner of my homestead farm.  To them ~
     their heirs and assigns forever, Together with the undivided one-fourth part of
     a Certain wood Lot Situate on the East Side of the aforesaid highway bounded ~
     northerly on land of Bowen Matteson and Reynolds Sweet Easterly on land
     of Stafford Greene Southerly on land of the heirs of Semeon Lewis, and westerly
     on the aforesaid highway – Containing be Estimation Thirty acres more or less.
     =To him the Said Jeremiah Matteson, his heirs and assigns forever ~
Seventhly, I Give and Devise to my Son Benoni Matteson all the rest and resid
     =ue of my homestead farm Whereon I now live not heretofore  given away 
     together with the three fourths of the wood lot lying on the East Side of
     the highway as above described.  Reserving however the Family burying
     place for my Family and their heirs, and the Family of my brother ~
     Josiah Matteson and their heirs, and for Such others as shall desire to be
     buried therein having relations therein buried.  To the use of them and
     their heirs forever.  Bictted and bounded as follows beginning at the West
     butment of a Casway thence West to the Corner of the wall as the wall now ~
     Stands, thence South as the wall runs four rods thence East a parallel
     Line with the north line of Said burying ground till it Comes opposite
     the first mentioned bound, thence north to the place of beginning ~
     Reserving further the right of a passway for my Said Son Jeremiah Ma
     =tteson his heirs assigns, to pass and repass to the Draper old Medow whe
     =re where they usually pass doing as little damage as may be through the
     home farm which I here give to my Said Son Benoni, and I further rese
     =rve the use and benefit of the first row of apple trees west of the Cider press
     for the use and benefit of my Said Son Jeremiah and for his heirs for the
     term of five years from and after my decease.  The above devise to my Said
     Son Benoni Matteson, is to him his heirs and assigns forever ~
Eighthly, I Give and bequeath to my daughter Lois James wife of John James
     one bake Kittle one tea Kettle one frying pan one mettle Tea pot one large Earth
     =an platter nine green edge plaits Six half pint Tumblers glass, one pair of
     hand Irons, the Smallest pair I have, one Cow and Her Choice if I have more
     than one, and one hundred Dollars in money, to her and her heirs forever ~
Ninthly, I give and Devise to my Grandson John W. Matteson, Son of Jeremiah
     Matteson the Jonathan Bennet Place (so Called) Whereon my Said Son Jerem
     =iah Matteson now lives, Containing by Estimation fifty acres more or less ~
     to him his heirs and assigns forever.  With the Said John W. Matteson
     paying to my Said Son Wait Matteson fifty Dollars to be paid by him
     to Said Wait Matteson, within one year after my decease,
     And the true intent and meaning of my will is that the real Estate
     given to Said John W. Matteson Shall beholden for the payment of the legacy
      which I have ordered my Said Grandson to pay to my Said Son Wait
     Matteson ~
Tenthly, I Give and bequeath  to my grand daughter Mary E. James daugh
     =ter of John James one bed under bed bedstead and Cord Standing
     in the northwest bedroom, with baulster & pillows pillow Cases with
     four Kersey blankets two Striped and two white four plain flannel
     Sheets, one pair of Cotten Sheets, with one Covertel wove with the
     flowers of Edingburg to her and her heirs forever ~
Eleventhly, I Give and Bequeath to my grand daughter Elizabeth James daug
     =hter of Said John James one bed under bed bedstead and Cord Standing
     in the west Chamber with bolster two pillow & Cases, four Kersey blank
     =ets two Striped and two white four plain flannel Sheets, one pair of
     Conten  Sheets, with one Coverlet wove with the waves of the Sea; there-
     being two beds in the west Chamber, my will is that my Said  grand
     daughter, Shall have her Choice, To her and to her heirs forever ~
Twelvth, I Give and bequeath to my grand daughter Dorcus Matteson, daughter
     of Jeremiah Matteson one bed under bed bedstead and Cord Standing
     in the west Chamber with baluster two pillows & Cases, four Kersey
     blankets two striped and two white, four plain flannel Sheets one pair
     of Cotten Sheets with one Coverlet wove with Perrys Victory to her & her
     heirs forever ~
13th  I Give and bequeath to my grand daughter Dorcus Wait Matteson ~
       daughter of Benoni Matteson, one bed under bed bedstead & Cord Stand
     =ing in the Stow bedroom, with four Kersey Blankets two white and two
     Striped, one pair of Cotten Sheets and four plain flannel Sheets with one
     Coverlet wove with Perrys Victory, to her and to her heirs forever, with one
     bureau Standing in Said bedroom ~
14th  I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Phebe Matteson daughter
     of Said Benoni Matteson one Case of draws to her and to her heirs forever
15th  I Give and Bequeath to my grand daughter Eunice Matteson daugh
     =ter of Said Benoni – one face Leef Table and one Irash Linnen Table
     Cloth figured, to her and to her heirs forever ~
16th  I Give and bequeath to my daughter in Law Alice Matteson one Loom ~
     warping bars and Seam Sleigh and harnesses with all the loom utintcals
     To her and to her heirs forever ~
17th  I order and direct the Legacies and bequests in this my will Given away
     and to be divided, be done paid and performed by my Executers herein after
     named within one year after my decease ~
18th  All the rest and residue of my Estate not heretofore given away, I give and
     Bequeath unto my Two Sons Jeremiah Matteson & Benoni Matteson Equally
     between them to them their heirs and assigns forever.  They paying all my just
     debts funer Charges and the Legacies in this my will given away.
Lastly, I hereby Nominate Constitute and appoent my Said Sons Jeremiah Matteson &
     Benoni Matteson Executors to this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and
     annulling all other and former wills by me made and Establishing this and this
     only as my Last will and Testament ~
  In Testimony Whereof, I do hereunto Set my hand and Seal, this 28th day
     of May in the year of our Lord ~ 1847 ~
  Signed Sealed published pronounced and
  declared by Said David Matteson, as and for                                          ____     

  his last will and Testament in the presence                David Matteson    [ LS ]  

  of us who at the same time at his request                                                             and in his presence and in the presence
  of Each other hereunto Set our names as
  Witnesses to the Same ~
          Clark Lewis        )
          Gideon Ellis        )
          Reynolds Sweet  )           At a Court of Probate held at West Greenwich
                                        in the County of Kent on the 31st day of July AD1847 ~
An Instrument purporting to be the last will and Testament of David Matteson      
Late of Said West Greenwich deceased, having been presented to this Court for
probate and all parties having been duly notified thereof, And Jeremiah Matt
=eson and Benoni Matteson the Executors, therin named, appeared before Said
Court and prayed that the Same may be proved by this Court, and that
Letters  Testamentary may be granted to them as the Executors thereof ~
and Clark Lewis Gideon Ellis and Reynolds Sweet the Subscribing ~
witnesses to Said Instrument, declared on oath that they at the request ~
of Said David Matteson Saw and heard the Said David Matteson Sign Seal
publish pronounce and declare the Same to be his Last will and Testament
and that the Said David Matteson at the time of Executing Said will appeared
to be more than twenty one years of age and of Sane mind and they Severally
in the presence of Each other and of Said David Matteson Subscribed their
names as witnesses to the Same.  Upon Consideration of Said Subject and
the Evidence advanced It is decreed by the Court that Said will be proved ~
allowed and recorded as the last will and Testament of Said David Matteson
And That Letters Testamentry  be granted to the Said Jeremiah Matteson
and Benoni Matteson, upon their giving bond in the Sum of twelve ~
hundred dollars Gideon Ellis accepted as bondsman & bond given ~
     By order of Said Court.
                                                       John James, Probate Clk

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