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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Will of Captain Henry Matteson
Dated June 18, 1751, Proved April 25, 1752

Source: West Greenwich, RI Wills Vol 1 pages 74-75

In the name of God amen the Eighteenth day
of June in the Twenty fifth year of his majesties
Reign George the Second King of Great Britain
and in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred
and fifty one I Henry Matteson of West Greenwich
In the County of Kent In the Colony of Rhode isLand
& a miller Being Sick and weak of Body But of a Sound
disposing mind and memory Thanks be Given to God
for the Same and Calling to mind the mortality of my
Body and Knowing that it is appointed to all men
one to dye do make and ordain this to Be my Last
will and testament that is to Say

end of page

           Princably and first of all I Recommend my Spirit into the
           hands of God that Gave it  and my Body to the Eart to be
           Buried in a Decent Christian manner att the Descrition
           of my Executors here after named and as touching
           Such my worldly Estate where with it hath Pleased God to
           Bless me with in this Life I Give and Dispose of the Same in
           The following manner and form and first my will
           is that my Just Debts and furinal Charges be Paid out
           of my Movable Estate---------------------------------------------

Imprimis I Give unto my Beloved Wife Judeth Matteson all
           the Remaining Part of my movable Estate Dureing
           her Natural Life or Widowhood and after my * wife
           Deceas or marriage I Give to my Grandaughter Rosanna
           Hall my Great Iron Kittle-----------------------------------------

Item        I Give unto my Grandson Peleg Sweet ten Shillings in
               Money Thinking it a Sofican Porton with what
               His Mother hath already hadd to be Paid to him by my
               Executors ** after my * wifs Decease-------------------
Item       I Give and Bequeath all the rest of my movable Estate
              To be Equally divided Amongst my Six Sons and my
              Daughter Mary Weaver and the Heir of my daughter
              Judeth Andrew deceased and I also Constitute ordain
              and  Appoint my well Beloved Son Henry Matteson and
              my Son Jonathan Matteson to be my Sole Executors of
              this my Last will and Testamen to Execute the Same as
              a fore * and I do utterly Disalow Disanul and Revoke and
              make Void all and Every other will or wills Executor
              or Executor  Here to fore named or made or by me caused
              to be made or named Ratifying and Declaring this
              and no other to be my Last will and Testamen : In wit
              ness Where of I Have ^here^ unto Set my hand and affixed
              my Seal the Day and year a bove written--------------------
              Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared
              to be the Last Will and Testamen of Henry
              Matteson the Subscriber                             his
              In Presence of                              Henry    HM***  Matteson    {Seal}
              Preservid Hall                                           mark
              Griffen Sweet
             Priscilla X Sweet

The witnesses To the above will appeared Before the Town
Council of West Greenwich April 25th Day 1752 and
declared on oath  that they saw the above testator Henry
Matteson Signe Seal Publish Pronounce and Declear the Same
to Be his Last will and testament and that he was in his
Perfect mind and memory according to the Best of their
under  standing and that in his Presence they signed as witness
es at the same time and their fore * will is alow a Pro
bate and Proved according to Law Signed by order
of Council:
                   symbol Griffen Sweet Council Clerk

* s with a small d attached to the top right part of loop.  Abbreviation for “said”
** in one yea was originally written and then crossed out.
*** Henry’s mark is an H with the M sharing the right hand side of the H

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