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Henry Matteson & Descendants

From: New England Families, Genealogical And Memorial Vol2
Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York 1915
by William Richard Cutter

Henry Matteson, the immigrant ancestor, was born in Denmark, in October, 1646, and died about 1690. He was of Prudence Island, and removed from there to East Greenwich, Rhode Island. On June 12, 1678, he took one hundred acres of land that had been granted John Pearce, mason, the assembly permitting the transfer. He sold his dwelling house to David Shippee, March 17, 1682, with one hundred acres of land. In 1685 he served as deputy to the general assembly. Hannah Matteson sold to George Vaughan, July 29, 1693, land which her husband Henry had bought of John Knight, carpenter, amounting to ten acres. No relationship has been found between Henry and James Matteson, who on June 2, 1657, was granted a house lot at the further end of Bayliff's Cove in Providence. Henry Matteson married Hannah Parsons, daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth (English, widow of William English) Parsons. She married again August 9, 1693, Charles Hazleton. Children: i. Henry, mentioned below; Thomas, of East Greenwich, died January 19, 1740; served as deputy in 1717; married, November 14, 1695, Martha Shippee; had six children. 3. Joseph, of East Greenwich, died 1758; married (first) Rachel , married (second) Martha, who died after 1757; had eleven children. 4. Francis, born March 15, 1680; of East Greenwich and Warwick, Rhode Island ; deputy in Warwick in 1734; died 1750; married. May 12, 1712, Sarah Nichols, daughter of Richard and Phebe Nichols, had ten children. 5. Hannah. 6. Hezekiah, of East and West Greenwich, died 1752; freeman 1720: married Margaret Westcott, daughter of Zorobabel and Jane Westcott, had seven children. 7. Josiah.

(II) Captain Henry (2) Matteson, son of Henry (i) Matteson, was born in 1670, and died April 13, 1752. He was of East and West Greenwich, Rhode Island. He served as deputy to the general assembly in 1701 He was known as captain. On April 19, 1694, he disclaimed any right or title to ten acres lately sold by his mother Hannah to George Vaughan. His will was dated June 18, 1751, and proved April 25, 1752, his sons Henry and Jonathan being the executors. He married, in 1694, Judith Weaver, daughter of Clement Weaver. She died after 1751. Children: Judith, born October 16, 1694; Henry, April 22, 1696: Jonathan, June 6, 1701; Mary, February 13, 1704; John, October 27, 1706; Sarah, April 13, 1709; James, March 20, 1712; Elizabeth, December 15, 1714; Ebenezer, March 15, 1718; Hezekiah, mentioned below.

(III) Hezekiah Matteson, son of Captain Henry (2) Matteson, married, in 1739, Mary Sweet. Children: Judith, born August 21, 1740; George, mentioned below; Jeremiah, December 31, 1743; Fear, January 24, 1/46; Peleg, February 27, 1747-48; Freelove, February 5, 1749-50; Mary, February 7, 1752; Sarah, September 3, 1754; Zepa, February 19. 1757; Elizabeth, June 14, 1759; Thomas, August 23, 1760.

(IV) George Matteson, son of Hezekiah Matteson, was born March 20, 1742. Among his children was a son. Reuben, mentioned below.

(V) Reuben Matteson, son of George Matteson, was born in 1780, and died in 1838. He married Esther Burleson Parker, born in 1779 and died in 1851. He lived at Escoheag, in the town of West Greenwich, and came there from Coventry, Rhode Island. He was a farmer and lived a quiet life. He had children: Asahel. mentioned below; Asher, born 1805, died 1890; Archibald, 1807, died 1846; George D., 1816, died 1876; Hannah; Mary; Amy, born 1818, died 1838; Esther, born 1820, died 1844.

(VI) Hon. Asahel Matteson, son of Reuben Matteson, was born July 10, 1811, at Escoheag, in West Greenwich, Rhode Island, and died February 9. 1890. He was educated in the public schools. In his younger days he followed teaching and farming, and also kept a country store at Escoheag. He removed from there to Rice City in Coventry, about 1839, where he also engaged in farming and kept a country store. In 1843 ne went to Providence and opened a general store. In 1845, ne formed a partnership with one Jacob Lewis, and they established a general store at Centerville, Rhode Island, but after a few months he sold his interest in the business to his partner and returned to farming. Three years later he went to Anthony and took charge of the company store at the Coventry 'Company's mills. After a few years he purchased the business and continued it until 1872, when he retired. In politics he was a Republican, and while living in Coventry he was postmaster at Anthony for a number of years. He served several terms as state senator from that town and held other offices of trust and honor. He was president of the Coventry National Bank and of the Coventry Savings Rank.

He married, February i, 1837, at Waterford, Connecticut; Julia M. Johnson, who was born December 21, 1811, and died in 1890, daughter of Uzal Johnson, a resident of Old Lyme, Connecticut. Children: Charles, mentioned below; Amy A., born November 24, 1842, died July n, 1905; Ella J., born August 26, 1852, unmarried.

(VII) Hon. Charles Matteson, son of Hon. Asahel Matteson, was born in Rice City, in the town of Coventry, Rhode Island, March 21, 1840. When his father came to Providence, he attended a private school there, kept by Ann Phillips, located at the corner of Fenner street and Doyle Square. Afterward he was a pupil in the public schools of Warwick and Coventry, the Providence Conference Seminary at East Greenwich, and the University Grammar School in Providence in 1856-57, where he completed his preparation for college. He graduated from Brown University with the degree of Master of Arts in 1861. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from his alma mater in recognition of his professional success. He received his legal education in the Harvard Law School in 1862-63 and in the office of Wingate Hayes, then United States District Attorney. He was admitted to the bar, January 9, 1864, and immediately began to practice in Providence. In the following year he and Mr. Hayes formed a partnership under the name of Hayes & Matteson. In 1871 the firm was dissolved and he continued alone in practice until he was elected an associate justice of the supreme court, on February 15, '1875, taking his oath of office on February 27, of that year. He became chief justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island, April 21, 1891. After a distinguished career of twentyfive years and two months on the bench of the supreme court, he retired May 29, 1900. From 1870 to 1872 he was state senator of Rhode Island from Coventry and he has held various other positions of trust and responsibility. In 1913 he was elected president of the Rhode Island Humane Education Society to succeed the late ex-Chief Justice John H. Stiness. Judge Matteson has traveled extensively, both in this country and abroad, having made, among others, a tour around the world in 1904-06.

He married, August 22, 1872, Belle Himes, born January 8, 1852, daughter of Paul and Sally (Covil) Himes. Children: Archibald C, mentioned below; George A., mentioned below; Paul, mentioned below.

(VIII) Colonel Archibald C. Matteson, son of Judge Charles Matteson, was born at Providence, Rhode Island, August 29, 1873. He received his early education at Mowry and GofFs School and at Swain's private school, where he fitted for college. He graduated from Brown University in the class of 1893 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts and from Harvard Law School in 1896 with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. He also studied law in the office of the late William G. Roelker, of Providence, in 1896, and was admitted to the bar, January i, 1897. He remained in the office of Mr. Roelker until January, 1900, when he formed a partnership with Frank Healy under the name of Matteson & Healy. The firm was dissolved in 1904 and since then Mr. Matteson has been alone in the general practice of law with offices in Providence. He was secretary of the Commission to Revise the State Constitution. He is a member of the Providence Bar Association and of the American Bar Asssociation, the Maritime Law Association and of the University Club and Agawam Hunt Club of Providence.

He has taken a prominent part in military affairs in the state. He was elected second lieutenant of Company C, First Regiment Infantry, Rhode Island Militia, October 6, 1897, and he became first lieutenant of his company, May 10, 1898, serving during the Spanish war. He was honorably discharged from the federal service after the war, March 30, 1899. He was commissioned captain and adjutant of the First Regiment, May 5, 1899; captain of Company B, First Infantry, November 5, 1903. His company was transferred, October n, 1908, to the coast artillery and he was commissioned major of the coast artillery, May 28, 1909, lieutenant colonel, December 6, 1910. He retired December 27, 1910, with the rank of colonel. He married, June 20, 1899, Alys McCreery, who was born August ii, 1878. Children: Elizabeth, born May 12, 1900; Frances, May 9, 1902.

(VIII) Dr. George Arnold Matteson, son of Judge Charles Matteson, was born at Providence, Rhode Island, January 25, 1875. He attended the Mowry and Goff School and the University Grammar School of Providence and entered Brown University in 1892, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the class of 1896. He studied his profession in the Harvard Medical School, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1900. He was for two years after his graduation an interne in the Rhode Island hospital and during 1902-03 he studied abroad at Berlin and Vienna. Since 1903 he has been practicing medicine and surgery in Providence. He is a member of the surgical staff of the Rhode Island Hospital and the Providence Lying-in-Hospital. He is a member of the Providence Medical Society, the Rhode Island Medical Society and the American Medical Association. He and his wife are members of the Agawam Hunt Club. He is a member of the University Club. In politics he is a Progressive.

He married, June 8, 1908, Rowena Campbell. They have two children: Phoebe Ann, born October i, 1911, and George Arnold Jr., born September 26, 1913.

(VIII) Paul Matteson, son of Judge Charles Matteson, was born at Providence, June 17, 1884. He attended the Thayer Street Grammar School, the Providence High School and the Hill School at Potsdam, Pennsylvania. He was graduated from Brown University in the class of 1906, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He studied law at Harvard Law School and in the office of his brother, Archibald C.

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