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Mattesons in Chautauqua County, New York

Note: The document which follows, records “Matteson mentions” in the Andrew Young book. An index to the book has been published but what follows is the result of reading through the book and cutting and pasting the names in order to provide some context. Since the cutting was from a digitized copy of an old manuscript, the wordprocessing translation often has a hard time with italics or some numbers. If you plan on using any of the information in a published document, you should consult the original. Copies of both the index and the book can be found at: http://www.archive.org/details/historyofchautau00youn

Some other surnames, namely, Strong, Weaver, Wright, Pope and Whipple have also been included since they connect into my Matteson line.

If you will permit me one additional editorial comment. The book is fascinating reading. There are many contemporaneous accounts of the conditions that the early settlers endured. They were a tough bunch. Enjoy.

Al Palmer



From: History of Chautauqua County, New York, from its First Settlement to the Present Time
Buffalo, NY. Printing House of Matthews & Warren, 1875
by Andrew W. Young


Capt. Moore’s Company — July 4 to October 4, 1812. Captain— Jehiel Moore. Lieut.—David Eaton.Ensign— Charles Burritt. Sergeants—Alpheus Mclntyre, John Ingersoll, Samuel J. Smith, John Dull.Corporals— Amos Wright, Jonathan S. Pattison, Daniel Densmore. Fifers — Arnold Russell, John Bate. (Pg. 178)


Reunion at Fredonia.
The 9th day of June, 1873, will never be forgotten by those who were so fortunate as to be present at the Reunion of "Old Settlers," at Fredonia. It was an experiment, and many entertained doubts of its success. An earlier day for the meeting had been announced; but a later day was fixed upon as more likely to secure a fuller attendance. (Pg 197)

C.F. Matteson, chairman of committee of arrangements, announced the following named gentlemen as vice-presidents and secretaries. . . (Pg. 200)

For the purpose of estimating how many decades of ages could be accommodated at the first table, those over ninety years old were called on to stand up, then those over eighty. The following named responded:
Those over 90—Elijah Fay, of Portland; Bartlett Luce, of Pomfret; Timothy Goulding,91,of Sheridan; Charles F. Arnold,93,of Sheridan.
From 80 to 90 —Isaac Bussing, Pomfret,89; Arna Wood,Pomfret,82; Charles P. Young, Ripley, 82; Allen Denny, Stockton, 82; Samuel Rockwood, Sheridan, 86; John Seymour, Pomfret, 80; Stephen Ross, Arkwright,87; Rev. John P. Kent, Lima, 80; Hugh Harper, Charlotte, 85; Ezekiel Gould, Chautauqua, 84; Aaron Smith, Stockton, 80; Jeremiah Curtis, Stotkton,80; Darius Knapp, Pomfret, 84; David Griggs, Pomfret, 84; Silas Spencer, Westfield, 84; Abram Dixon,. Westfield, 86; Benjamin H. Dickson, Ripley, 81; Chester Brown, Pomfret, 86; Naomi Miller, Stockton, 83;David Parker, Perrysburg, 80; Orpha Burritt, Fredonia, 81; D. J. Matteson, Fredonia, 81; Mr. Lazelle, Stockton, 85; Henry Smith, Charlotte, 82; Thos.Magee, Hanover, 87; T. B. Campbell, Westfield, 85; J. Ackley, Pine Grove,Pa., 83; Abner Hazeltine, Jamestown, 80; Joseph Davis, Pomfret, 80; Polly Wilson, Pomfret, 80; Samuel Cleland, 85; John Cleland, 8i"; Nathan Cleland, 78, of Charlotte, and Ohver Cleland, 79, of Berlin, O.; HoelBeadle, Westfield, 80; James BiUings, Chautauqua, 82; with others subsequently recorded, making upwards of forty. (Pg. 201)

The meeting, in charge of Mr. C. F. Matteson, chairman of the committee of arrangements, continued in session during the absence of the officers. Several letters responding to invitations to attend the " Old Settlers' " gathering, some of which, with an interesting paper written by Mr. Wm. Risley, of Fredonia, were read by Judge Emory F. Warren and the chairman. (Pg. 202)

Afternoon Session.—After music by the two bands, President Patterson requested the attention of the multitude reassembled, when A. C. Cushing,Esq., offered a resolution 'to appoint a committee of seven, of which the president was to be one, to agree upon a permanent organization, and upon the next place of meeting. The chair appointed E. F. Warren, Alvin Plumb, J. L. Bugbee, Obed Edson, Abner Hazeltine, and C. F. Matteson. (Pg. 203)

Judge Hazeltine gave a history of his advent in the county in 1815. Most of the way from Buffalo was traveled on the beach of the lake. When at Cattaraugus creek, he was taken prisoner by the Indians, growing out of a trouble between Capt. Mack, tavern-keeper at Irving, and one Maybee, nearly opposite him, as to which should control the ferriage. The Indians sided with Maybee. He was finally ferried over by Capt. Strong, father of the well known N. F. Strong. (Pg. 206)


Arkwright was formed from Pomfret and Villenova, April 30, 1S29. A part of Pomfret was annexed in 1830. It comprises the territory of township 5, range 11, according to Ellicott's survey of the Holland Purchase. Its surface has been described as an elevated upland, broken and hilly in the southwest, and rolling in the northeast. Its highest summit—near the center—is said to be 1,000 to 1,200 feet above Lake Erie, and is probably the highest land in the county. It is watered chiefly by the tributaries or head waters of the Canadaway creek, which crosses the west line of the town into Pomfret nearly three miles north from its south-west corner, and the head waters or branches of the Walnut creek, which leaves the town about one mile west of its north-east corner. On its east border is Mud lake, which covers about 10 acres. The soil is a clay and gravelly loam. On Canadaway creek, in the south-west part, is a cascade with a perpendicular fall of 22 feet.

Original Purchases in Township 5, Range 11.
1807. November, Zattu dishing, 62,; [articled to Uriah L. Johnson.]
1809. June, Benj. Sprague, 56. August, Augustus Burnham, 60. Edward McGregor, 62.
September, Oliver Taylor, 55. October, Aaron Wilcox,56. November, Nathan Eaton, 64. Benj. Perry, 64. •
1810. January, Elorace Clough, 42. May, Augustus Burnham, 56.
1812. March, Robert Cowden, 54.1814. October, Moses Tucker, 62. November, Daniel Harris,53.
1815. October, Robert W. Seaver, 37.
1816. February, Abiram Orton, 55. December, Thaddeus Barnard, 16.
1817. March, Robert Cowden, 53. April, Jabez Harrington, 39.
1818. March, Silas Matteson, 8.
1821. July, Isaiah Martin, 3. October, Bela Kingsley, 13. Hiram Kinsley, 13.
1822. March, Simeon Smith, Jr., 39. Caleb Weaver, Jr., 39. April, David Weaver, 31. John Weaver, 32. Bethnel Harvey, 12. Oct., Ashbel Scott, 10. Nov., Asahel Burnham, 26, 27. Moses and Aaron Luce, 18.
1823. July, Sylvester Gould, 42. August, Stephen Chase, 2. November,Orestes Thatcher, 18.
1824. September, Simeon Clinton, 31. October, Benjamin White, 28. Arna Wood, 51.
1825. Sept., Shephen Chase, 2d, 9. Oct., Ellsworth Griswold, 25.
1826. January, Andrus M. Huyck, 16. July, Wm. F. Peebles, Jr.,33, October, Zephaniah Briggs, 42. Abijah Mason, 8.
1828. January, Benjamin Perry, 47. (Pgs. 220-221)

Daniel Saunders was an early settler on lot 56, though he was not an original Purchaser; he still resides there. He had no sons, but 6 daughters:Lois Ann, wife of Marshal Parsons; Mariett, wife of Silas Matteson, of Dunkirk; Clarissa, unmarried; Jane, wife of Morgan Rice; Amarett, wife of L.Courtney Baldwin; and Hope, unmarried. Robert Cowden settled on lot 54, articled in 1812. A son. Alia, lives in Harbor Creek, Pa.; Levi, on the homestead. Moses Tucker settled on lot 62, bought in 1814. His son Chauncey was a lawyer in Fredonia, since at Buffalo, and is deceased. (Pg. 222)

In the northeast part of the town, Silas Matteson settled on lot 8, bought March, 1818. A son, Silas, is a detective at Dunkirk. Harvey Baldwin settled on a part of the same lot, about 1834, whence he removed, in 1872,to Sheridan Center. He had several children, of whom two sons only are living: Albert, who removed to the West; and Horace, who lives with his father in Sheridan. (Pg. 224)

At the first town meeting, held in the house of Simeon Chnton, May 2,1830, the following named officers were chosen:Supervisor—William Wilcox. Town Clerk—Aaron Foster. Assessors—Andrus M. Huyck, Daniel Harrington, Lewis Tucker. Commissioners of Highways—Isaac Thompson, Joel White, Aaron Van Vliet. Collector— Daniel Weaver. Overseers of the Poor—Silas May, Charles Crawford. Commissioners of Schools—Isaac Bumpus, Ira White, Lewis E. Danforth. Inspectors of Schools—Andrus M. Huyck, Timothy Cole, James Sprague. Constables—-Edw. B. Kingsley, David Weaver. Justices of the Peace—Isaac Bumpus, John G. Curtis, Lewis E. Danforth. (Pg. 225)

Methodist Episcopal Church.—A class was formed in the "Abbey," by Elder David Preston, in June, 1830. It consisted of 8 members: Ira and Elizabeth Richardson, John Franklin, Reuben and Fanny Howe, Caleb Weaver, John. Lafferty, and Isaac Bumpus. Of those who joined soon after,were: Andrus M. Huyck, Wright Lewis, Hiram Lewis, Wm. McClanathan, R. McClanathan, Caleb Weaver, and probably the wives of some of them. (Pg. 227)


Original Purchases in Township 1, Range 12.
1810. April, Samuel Griffith, 4. May, Tho. Bemus, 12. December, Jonas Lamphear, 48. 1811. March, Wm. Matteson, Jr., 40, [Ellicott.] May, Jedediah Chapin,4. Palmer Phillips, 11. October, Mathaniel Fenner, 15. (Pg. 227)

IIn the vicinity of Busti Corners,. . . Hendrick Matteson settled on lot 62, r. 11, and died in Herkimer county. A son, Albert, resides in Sugar Grove; and Philo and Monroe reside in Busti.His widow lives with Philo. (Pg. 230)


The north-cast part of the town remained a wilderness later than any other portion. Alanson Straight was the first to commence improvements. He settled about 1832 upon the farm now owned by Byron Lewis. In 1832,Nelson Chase settled upon the farm which he now owns; and a little later in the same year, Nathan Penhollow upon the farm where his son William now resides. Calvin Abbey, Elijah Lewis, Wm. W. Rood, Neri Crampton, Daniel Hoisington, Henry Smith, Wm. Luce, G. R. Mathewson, Peter Odell,and Nelson Mansfield, were early settlers there. John Wilkes,who came in 1851, built the first saw-mill in this part of the town, in 1865. Upon his farm the last bear was killed. In 1839, James Hopkins, Patrick Doran, and Garrett Wheeler, came in from the west of Ireland, and in following years others from Ireland, settled there. (Pg. 255)

The street leading north from the Center to Arkwright, was also largely settled by Englishmen, wholly from Yorkshire, in the north of England. Thomas Pearson, Wm. Wright, and their families, and Thomas Dickenson, came over together in a ship from Hull, and settled on this street,in 1828; and many of their descendants reside in town.(Pg. 255)


In 1850, a number of the brethren, upon consultation in respect to the reorganization, appointed a meeting for that purpose to be held at Hartfield,Aug.31st. The meeting was held accordingly; and Mayville was designated as the location of the lodge. A petition to the grand lodge of the state for a dispensation was ordered sent, which was in due time received. The first regular meeting was held Nov. 4, 1850, at which were present the following named members: Thomas B. Campbell, W. M.; Abijah Clark, S. W.; Dexter Barnes, J. W.; R.'Taylor Comstock, Sec'y; Wm. P. Holmes, Treas.; David L. Cochran, Tyler; George Clark, J. Dea.; David Myers, Nathan Cheney, Egbert Wilson, Wm. Hill, John Russell, Walter Strong. The fifth and last regular communication of the lodge at Mayville which appears on the records, was at the lodge-room, Feb. 14, 185 1. Its location was changed to Westfield. (Pg. 284)


Original Purchases in Township 4, Range 10.
1815. March, Joshua Bentley, 15; [settled on by Joshua, Jr.] April, Joshua Bentley, 9; [settled on by Joseph M. Kent.] May, Gardner Crandall.
1816. May, Barber Babcock, 19. June, Ely D. Pendleton, 20. October, Reuben Cheney, 18.
1817. June, Elam Edson, 18. November, Rufus Hitchcock, 49. (Pg. 284)
1818. April, John Smith, 17. August, Hiram Hill, 49.
1821. October, John P. Hadley, 41. Henry Babcock, 20. Alvah Hadley,41. Julius Gibbs, 41. Robert James, 36. Nathaniel Gibbs, Jr., 11.Eliphalet W. Wilcox, 17. Robert Page, 13.
1823. March, James Carr, 14. December, Enos A. Bronson, 56.
1824. February, Eason Matteson, 10. March, Ira B. Tanner, 46. May, Amos Abbey, 64. Nathan Worden, 16. June, Jared Ingalls, 22. Ira Bassett, 25. July, Ward King, 17. October, Wm. G. Carr, 24. Dudley Waters, 48.
1825. April, John Luce, 58. Wm. Lathrop, 24. May, Ira Bassett and Samuel W. Wilcox, Jr., 25. September, Geo. Burdick, 38. October, Aury Cronkhite, 21. Asahel H. Mallory, 21. Eddy Wetherly, 28. November,Robert James, Jr., 35.
1826. April, Putnam Farrington, 63. October, Lyman Town and Thos. King, 56. December, Henry Luce, 55.
1827. April, Ebenezer Still, Jr., 39. June, Stephen Blaisdell, 18. Sept., Nehemiah Osborne, 31. Israel Seeley, 31. Issachar Hammond, 30.
1829. June, William A. Bowen, 13. July, Thomas King, 18. December,Sylvester Osborne, 14.(Pg. 285)

In the south-east part of the town. Wanton King settled on lot 9. His sons are: Thomas, who resides on lot 18, a mile south of the village; Ward,2d, in Leon, Cattaraugus Co.; and Obadiah, in Ellington. On lot 18, Josiah Crumb and Enos Matteson settled. The latter purchased in 1828. Of his three sons, John and James reside in Ellington; Almanson, in Texas. Aury Cronk, in 1825, on the south Hne of the town. His sons, Charles and Delance, are still in town. (Pg. 288)


Original Purchases of Lots and parts of Lots within the present Town of Dunkirk.
1804. June, John Williams, 21. October, Benjamin Barrett, 27. Zattu Gushing, 28, 29, 33.
1805. February, Benjamin Barrett, 27. March, Seth Cole, t, 2, 9. June, Richard Douglass, 3. Rufus Langdon, 15. Seth Cole, 9.
1806. October, Ephraim Pease, 36.
1807. January, Hezekiah Fisk, 3. May, Jonathan Bartoo and John Van Tassel, 24." July, Theron Strong and Simeon Wilber, 18. Samuel Geer, 22. October, Samuel Richardson, 32. November, John Brigham, 23.
1809. June, Luther Goulding, 24. November, Oliver Weatherby, 10; [art. to Isaac Loomis.]br> 1810. January, Samuel Brigham, 19. February, Solomon Chadwick, 24.March, Daniel Getchell, 11. April, Nathaniel Munn, 13. May, Benjamin Barnes, Jr., 16.
1811. March, John Barge, 3. Richard Douglass, 3. John G. Bilhngs, 11.
1812. February, Arnold Russell, 22. April, Stephen Washburn, 12. May, Enos Eastman, 22. December, John Pratt, Jr., 17.
1813. March, Richard Douglass, 3.
1815. October, John Burt, (or Bunt,) 17.
1816. June, Charles Harris, 17. Richard Douglass, 4. November, Daniel G. Garnsey, 13. December, Calvin Spafford, 4.
1817. January, Daniel G. Garnsey, 6, 7. Ezra Andrews, 16. March, Asa Owen, 5. Abel Carpenter, 4. Jacob Houghton, 39. Daniel G. Garnsey,12, II, 10. Robert "Kenyon, 5. May, Caleb Seager, 32.
1827. September, Joshua Douglass, 36.(Pg. 303)


Original Furchases in the Town of Ellery—Township 2, Range 12.
1806. January, William Bemus, 34, 40. March, William Bemus, 35.
1807. April, Jeremiah Grifiith, 10.
1809. July, John Silsby, 34.Joseph Silsby, 34. September, William Smiley, 17. October, John B. Babcock, 3. Peter Simmons, 3.
1810. March, Israel Smith, 26. Stephen R. Ludington, 26. Clark Parker,27. April, James Smith, 18. David Matteson, 19.
1811. Jan., Jacob Rush, 13, 20. John Silsby, 20. Aug., Asa Martin, 19.
1812. Nov., William Smith, 21, 18, 13. May, Russell Babcock, %i.
1814. September, Joseph Loucks, 11, 12. Joseph Loucks, Jr., 12.
1815. March, Isaac Young, 2. November, James P. Rogers, 31.
1816. April, Seth Clark, 14. John Miller, 21. Peter Miller, 14.
1818. August, William G. Youker, 13. September, David Klock, 13.
November, Daniel B. Carpenter, 45, 48.1 82 1. October, John Stow, 41. 1823. February, Philip Parker, 20.
1825. July, Nahum Aldrich, 16. August, Philip Parker, 20. December, Samuel Budlong, 9.
1828. February, James Ploss, 7. William Ploss, 6.(Pg. 314)

In the north part,. . .Ezra Fuller settled on lot 46, where Abel Lockwood formerly resided. John W., his son, resides in Kiantone; Jane is the wife of E. D. Strong; Louisa, deceased, was the wife of Corydon Putnam; Almira, wife of Geo. W. Belden; Agnes, wife of Edwin A. Harvey. (Pg. 318)

In the central part of the town,. . . Morrison Weaver, from Washington Co., settled on lot 42; had 2 sons, Samuel and Simeon B., residents of the town. (Pg. 319)

Thomas Bemus, son of Wm. Bemus, settled in the town of Harmony, on lot 54, tp. 2, r. 12, bought by his father, in January, 1806, and was probably the first settler in that town. He built his cabin and commenced clearing, soon after the purchase, though he was not married until several years after. He married Jane Atkins, and had 7 daughters and 2 sons; all of whom lived to mature age and were married, as follows : i. Eliza, who was married to Samuel C. Barney, of Harmony, deceased. 2. Afii M., to Simon Smiley, of Ellery. 3. Mimhvell, to Horace Rice, of Harmony, both deceased. 4. Mary, to Horace CuUum, of Meadville, Pa. 5. William, to Ann J. Jackson, of Hartfield, now in Silver Creek. 6. Jane, to Wm. Hosmer, of Meadville, Pa. 7. Thomas A., to Ann E. Barnes, of Buffalo, now residing in Ripley.8. Sarah, [deceased,] to Wm. A. Strong, of Ellery, now in Portland. 9. Martha, of Chautauqua, now at Saratoga Springs. (Pg. 321)

Charles Bemus, son of William Bemus, was born in Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Aug. 31, 1791. He came to Chautauqua with his parents in 1805. [See sketch of Wm. Bemus.] He was married, Feb. 28, 181 1, to Rephelia Boyd, who was born July 20, 1790. He lived at Bemus Point, on land originally bought by his father, until his death, October 10, 1861. Mrs. B. died Jan. 2, 1843. He had 10 children : 1. James, who resides in San Francisco, and is superintendent of powder works. 2. Ellen, wife of Daniel Smiley, in Wisconsin. 3. Mattheiw, who married Marcelia Walters, and resides in Mayville. 4. Daniel, in Ellery, who married, first, Adaline Strong; second, Jane Griffith. 5. Jane, [Mrs. Edward Copp,] who resides in Mayville. 6. John, who married Catharine Howell, and died at Bemus Point,July 24, 1862. 7. William P., married, first, Helen Norton; second, Sarah E. Prather, and is a practicing physician. 8. Mehetabel P., the wife of P. A. Strong, and resides in Iowa. 9. Dr. E. M., who died in Wisconsin. 10. George H., a lawyer in Meadville, Pa. (Pg. 321)

Jeremiah Griffith, Jr., fifth child of Jeremiah, born October 22, 1795, married Margaret Loucks, and had 6 children : 1.Wellington, who married Rhoda Bucklin, and whose children were: Isabel, wife of Willie H. Shaw, at Corry; have a son; Georgia married, and lives at Corry; and Lawrence. Mr. W. Griffith married, second, Lydia Atwood; and third, Lois Strong. 2. George W., second son of Jeremiah, Jr., married Catharine Peterson, and resides in Gerry, and has 5 children: Adelaide, unmarried; Adaline, wife of Burt Palmer; Adella; George L.; and Emerson. 3. Jane, wife of Daniel Bemus, who have a daughter, Mary. 4. Mary, wife of Wm. C. Benedict, whose children are : Willis, Warner, Walter, William, and Washburn. 5.Amarett, wife of Fernando Atherly, whose children are: Clara, Minnie,Frank, Florence, and Mark T. 6. Cordelia, who died at 18. (Pg. 324)


Daniel Hazeltine. . . In 1818,he married Mehetabel Bemus, youngest daughter of William and Mary (Prendergast) Bemus, who were among the earliest settlers of the county. They had five children, two sons and three daughters. Two of the daughters died young. The others are : William B., who married, first, Cornelia Stowe; second, Mrs. Phebe (Strong) Judd, and resides in Jamestown; George, who married Adeline Hastings, has a numerous family, and resides at North Warren, Pa.; and Susanna, who married William Post, of Jamestown,and is deceased, leaving a son, Daniel H. Post, a recent graduate of Williams College, and a journalist. (Pg. 365)


About 1818, John Hines and Wm. Newton settled in the south-western part of the town, and, in 1819, erected there the first saw-mill, and, in 1822, a grist-mill, on the Cassadaga creek.. . .Gilbert Strong, from Chenango Co., in 1818, bought the land upon which Hezekiah Myers had settled, and lived there until his decease, at the advanced age of 82 years, leaving many descendants. His sons Horace, Gilbert, David, Jason, and Onan, came with their father, and were well known citizens of the town. (Pg. 399)

The first town-meeting in Gerry, as at present constituted, was held at the house of Calvin Cutting, May 2, 1830. The officers chosen were Supervisor—Hugh B. Paterson. Town Clerk—Howard B. Blodgett. Assessors —Wm. Mellen, Wm. M. Waggoner, Calvin Smith. Com'rs of Highways—Wm. Mellen, Jr., Willard Bucklin, Horace Strong. Com'rs ofSchools—Benj. Tuttle, Jr., James Schofield, Nathan Hatch. Inspectors of Schools—Wm. Mellen, Jr., James Bucklin, Jr., Samuel J. Goodrich. Overseers of Poor—Wm. Gilmour, Gilbert Strong. Collector—Wm. Gilmour. Justices-—Leander Mellen, Hugh B. Paterson. Sealer—Nehemiah Horton. Poundmaster—David Cobb.: (Pgs. 399-400)

Melzar Sylvester was born in Massachusetts, about the year 1784, and died in Gerry, in Dec, 1863. he was married to Anna Gilmore, the sister of James and Wm. Gilmore. Mr. Sylvester first came to Fredonia, and about 1811 moved to Gerry, near Sinclairville. His children were: 3. Darwin, who married Mary Strong, and resides in Sinclairville. (Pg. 401-402)

William R. Wilson, son of Jonathan, was born Feb. 23, 1801, and came from Guilford, Vt, with his father, in August, 1818, and settled on lot 34, in Gerry, where he now resides. His wife, Rebecca Fisher, from Grafton, N. H.,who was born June 7, 1799, joined him here the following year, making the journey of 400 miles in 19 days.(Pg. 402)


Original Purchases in Harmony.—Township 1, Range 13.. . .
1829. February, Ezra Abbott, 43. March, Abel Matteson, 6. June, Alvin Butler, 38. (Pg. 430)
Township 2, Range 13.
1810. June, Martin Prendergast, 6.
1811. May, Levi Pier, 17. October, Estys Matteson, 30. (Pg. 430)
1831. February, Calvin Manley, 26. Oliver Pier, 10. June, Peter Acker,9 or 10. Heman S. Matteson, 26. Lewis Eddy, 31.(Pg. 431)
Township 1, Range 12.
1808. July, Josiah Carpenter, 55, 56, 64.
1815. July, Ford Wellman, 47.
1816. April, Horace Terry, 63.
1817. John Hurlbut, 63. Timothy Jenner, 63.
1819. February, Timothy Jenner, 63. John Hosier, Gt,.
1823. December, Silas Carpenter, 54. Isaac Foster, 54.
1825. October, Reuben Benedict, 63. November, Truman Terry, 62. December, Heman S. Matteson, 62. Josiah Carpenter, 61.
1826. December, Amos Hoag, 53. (Pg. 431)
Township 2, Range 12. 1810. March, Reuben Slayton, Jr., 44. Thomas Matteson, 52.(Pg. 431)

The earliest settlements in the town of Harmony, were made in that part of it which lies in the 12th range. The first settlement in this town is said, in the State Gazetteer, to have been made by Reuben Slayton, from Otsego Co., in 1806, on lot 43; Daniel B. Carpenter, the same year, on lot 64:Jonathan Cheney, on lot 52, in 1807; Theron Bly, from Otsego Co., on lot 44, and Wm. Matteson on lot 52, both in 181 1; and James Carpenter on lot 56, in 1816. This statement is not only very indefinite, but in nearly every particular incorrect. There are in Harmony three lots with each of the numbers 43, 44, 52, 56, and 64, namely: one in each of the two entire townships in range 13, and one in the strip from range 12. The dates of settlement, above mentioned, are believed to be misstated in the case of every person named, except one. (Pg. 431)

In 1810, came Thomas Matteson; also Wm. Matteson, Jr., and his brother Estys, who were followed in 1811 by their father, Wm. Matteson, Sr., who died in 1858, in his 99th year. He was the last surviving Revolutionary pensioner in this county; having served, when quite young, during the last two years of the war. His son Victor M.[Matteson], and daughter Mehetabel, [ne Matteson] widow of Isaac Carpenter, are the only surviving children living in this county. _ James Carpenter, as will be seen hereafter, came seven years earlier than the year stated in the Gazetteer. (Pg. 432)

In the east part of the town. . . John H. Matteson settled on lot 62, near where his son Elisha [Matteson] resides. (Pg. 433)

The annual town-meeting was held at Eleazar Fletcher's, April 1, 1817,when the following officers were elected: Supervisor—Palmer Phillips. Town Clerk—Orange Phelps. Assessors— Wm. Matteson, Daniel B. Carpenter, Joseph S. Pember. Cofn'rs of Highways— Palmer Phillips, Wm. Matteson, Daniel B. Carpenter. Corners of Schools—Palmer Phillips, Joseph S. Pember, Orange Phelps. Collector— Wm. Matteson, Jr. Constables—Noah Chapman, Wm. Matteson, Jr. Over-seers of Poor—Obadiah Morley, Israel Carpenter. Poundmasters— Wm. Matteson, Israel Carpenter, Josiah Palmeter. Fence Viewers—Thomas Bemus, Nicholas Webber, Timothy Jenner. Sealer—Jonas Lamphear. (Pg. 436)


Zattu Cushing came to Fredonia in February, 1805, bringing his family and goods with two oxteams and sleds. He then had five children Walter, Milton, Zattu, Lydia, afterwards the second wife of Dr. White, and Lucinda, afterwards the wife of Wm. Barker. They were three weeks in performing the journey. . . .On his arrival here, (Pomfret) he found that the land which he had had in view, had been taken up by Thomas McClintock. He found near the present residence of David J. Matteson, an unfinished log house, which had neither floor, door, nor chinking between the logs. (Pg. 468-69)

In the east part of the two tiers of lots annexed to Pomfret, . . . Justus Adams, on lot 21; two sons reside on the lot. Martin Eastwood on land adjoining, now owned by David J. Matteson, Handy, and Pettit. (Pg. 475)

The village of Fredonia was incorporated, May 2, 1829. On the 22d of August ensuing, the inhabitants met at the academy for the election of officers and the transaction of other business, John Crane, justice, presiding. The following are the names of the persons elected. . . Among the ordinances of this year was the following:. . .the road from the Academy toward David J. Matteson's, Temple street; (Pg. 476)

Elijah Risley, Sr., was born Dec. 1, 1757. He emigrated from Cazenovia to Fredonia, in April, 1807, and settled on the west side of Canadaway creek. He built a grist-mill about half a mile below the Buffalo and Erie road. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and a pensioner at the time of his death, in 1841, aged 84. He was married to Phebe Bills, who was born July 24, 1761. They had 12 children, of whom 9 attained majority: 1. Betsey, wife of Seth Risley; both died in the county. 2. Horace, who married Harmony Rood. They removed to Illinois, where he died. 3. Elijah, [see sketch.] 4. Philena, wife of Thomas Warren; both deceased. 5. Fanny, who married Jas. Brigham; both deceased. 6. Phebe, wife of Philip Fellows; both deceased. 7. Sophia, who married Geo. A. French, merchant, Dunkirk, who died about 5 years ago. 8. William, [see sketch.] 9. Levi, who married Sophia Ann Darling; both residing at Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Elijah Risley, Jr., son of the above, was born May 7, 1787, and came to Fredonia in 1807. He commenced the mercantile business here in 1808 or 1809, being, as is believed, the first merchant in the place. In 1824, he was elected sheriff for three years from January following. In 1833, he commenced the culture of garden seeds, which, in connection with his brothers, William and Levi, was continued on an extensive scale for more than 20 years. In 1848, he was elected a representative to Congress. He also attained the rank of major-general of the state militia. Gen. Risley was married to Nabby Brigham, of Pomfret. He died January 10, 1870. Mrs. Risley still resides in Fredonia. Their children were: 1. Florilla C, who married Chauncey Tucker, a lawyer; lately residing in Niagara Co; both deceased. 2. Hanson A., [see sketch.] 3. Sophrona, wife of Chas. F. Matteson, of Fredonia; she died in 1875. 4. Laurens G., who married Henrietta Houghton, and resides at Dunkirk. 5. Delia, wife of Thos. P. Grosvenor, . . . (Pg. 490)


1813. October, Charles F. Collins, 39. December, Jonathan Brigham, Jr., 64. Winsor Brigham, 70.
1814. February, Jonathan Sloan, 59.
1815. March, Ozias Hart, 44. Polly Pratt, 44. Asa Strong, 43.
1816. January, John Pattison, 14. February, Luke Kibbe, 23. Bethel Willoughby, 23. March, Nicholas Bovee, 26. April, John Pattison, 14. November, David Pattison, 15. (Pg. 533)


Original Purchases in Towtiship 5, Range 10.
1809. Oct., Ezra Puffer, 19, 27, 36. John Kent, 2. Daniel Whipple, 3.
1810. March, John Kent, Jr., 3. April, Reuben Wright, Jr., 22. June, John Arnold, 19. July, Benj. Sweet, 11, 18. Oct., Charles Mather, 4.
1815. June, Eldad Corbet, Jr., 11.
1816. March, Villeroy Balcom, 10.
1817. May, James Congdon, 14. Nov., Augustin Wright, 52.
1818. March, Daniel Wright, 20. April, Enos Matteson, 64. May, Sylvanus Wright, 20.
1819. May, Auren G. Smith, 43.
1820. May, Nathaniel Warner, 36.
1821. October, Nathaniel Warner, 35.
1822. March, Noah Strong, 64. June, Nathaniel Warner, Jr., 43. October, Wm. J. Straight, 58.
1823. May, Arad Wheeler, 14. June, James H. Ward, 15.
1824. December, Phineas T. Judd, 27.
1825. April, Samuel Geer, Jr., 48. Thomas White, 48. Josiah H. White, 24. Wheeler B. Smith,24.
1826. January, Henry Waters, 2, August, John Pope, 62. December. Thomas Howard, 50.
1827. October, Villeroy Balcom, 17. Nathaniel Warner, 63. (Pg. 574)

In answer to a request for information respecting the early settlement of Villenova, Dr. Austin Pierce, a resident of this town, gave the following names of early settlers and the years in which they respectively settled in the town. The statements were made upon the authority of early settlers in the town, more than twenty years ago, when early occurrences were fresh in their recollections; and are therefore likely to be correct.

The first settler in town was Daniel Whipple, a native of Deerfield, Mass., who came from Litchfield, Herkimer county, N. Y., to Villenova in 1810. In the same year came John Kent and Eli Arnold. William and Benjamin Barrass and Roderick Wells came about the year 1811, and resided here about 20 years. Near the same time came Charles Mather, Captain Sweet, and Nathaniel Bowen :*they remained but a short time. Bowen was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was killed in the battle near Buffalo, in 1813. Ezra Puffer, a native of Sudbury, Mass., came in 1812; removed in 1843 to Northern Indiana, where he died. Villeroy Balcom, a native of Sudbury, [probably Mass.,] and Erza Corbet, son of Eldad, born in Mendon, Mass., came in 1815. He was a brother-in-law of Daniel Wright. His father was a Revolutionary soldier. Charles Wright came in 1816. This, Dr. P. says. brings the account to the time of the Wright family. Most of the settlers who came before and after this time, were from Litchfield, Herkimer county. Among those who came after the Wrights, from Litchfield, were the family of Nathaniel Warner, the Smiths, and Congdons, most of whose descendants are [1853] still here." (Pg. 574)

Ezra Puffer's is the earliest purchase in Villenova, on record—October 28, 1809; the dates of the purchases of John Kent and Daniel Whipple, are two days later, [the 30th,] —all in 1809, the year before Whipple is said to have settled in the town. The name of Eli Arnold as an original purchaser does not appear at all. [His land was probably that which, in the Company's book, is set to the name of John Arnold as purchaser of lot 19, June, 1810.] Nor do the names of William and Benjamin Barrows appear. They probably bought lands which had been previously articled to others. It appears from the list of original purchases, that Charles Mather, Benjamin Sweet, and Nathaniel Bowen, all bought in 1810; Mr. Balcom not until March, t8i6, though he may have become a resident earlier. Eldad Corbet, Jr., bought on lot 11 in June, 1815; but Arza's name does not appear. Charles Wright, said to have settled in 1816, does not appear as an original purchaser, though several of the family do so appear; none, however, before 1817. [Reuben Wright, Jr., who bought on lot 22, April, 1810, was probably not of the same family.] The names of Nathaniel Warner, a number of Smiths, and James Congdon, appear in the list of original purchases. (Pg. 575)

James [Wright], another son of Daniel Wright, died on his father's homestead, now owned by his son Daniel. Daniel Wright had also a daughter, Grace [ne Wright], wife of Wm. Crowell, deceased. She lives with her son Edmund, in Hamlet. (Pg. 576)

Sylvanus Wright bought, in 1818, a part of lot 20. He subsequently settled on lot 52; and removed thence to Hamlet, where he now resides. His sons are Abel J [Wright] .; Theron [Wright]; Sylvanus A.[Wright], who lives in Iowa; Melvin .[Wright] and Myron [Wright], in this town. Daughters Susan [ne Wright], widow of Signor Brinsor; and Sarah [ne Wright], married, and living in Massachusetts. (Pg. 576)

In the North-west part of the town, Noah Strong, in 1822, bought lot 64, on which he settled, where his son Hiram [Strong] resides. Samuel Geer, Jr., settled on lot 48, which he bought in 1825, where his widow and son, Delos, now reside. John Stilwell, in 1827, settled on lot 63; removed to Cherry Creek where he died. His son Albert resides in Hamlet; Sylvester, in Cleveland Ohio; and William, in Missouri. John Pope settled early on lot 56. His sons were Horatio G. [Pope], supervisor in 1870; Chester [Pope], in Michigan; Harrison [Pope] in Hanover; Almon [Pope] and William [Pope], in town; and Daniel [Pope], in the eastern part of the state. John Ferry settled on lot 54, where he died. His sons were Nathaniel and John, both deceased; and Clark, Anson, and Julius, who reside in the town. Isaac Corey, from Long Island, with four sons, settled early on lot 53. The sons were Hoel, now in Cherry Creek; Medad S. physician, at Hamlet; Henry, in town; George, in Laona. (Pg. 577)

Isaac Cummings settled near the center, on lot 37, and died in Cherry Creek, where he resided with his son Henry. His other and older sons were Isaac, who resided in the north-west part of the town, removed West, and died there; Clark, in Cherry Creek; John, who died many years ago on the homestead. He had two daughters Susan [Pope], wife of Horatio Pope; and Sarah [Pope], wife of Harrison Pope, in Hanover. (Pg. 578)

The first town-meeting in Villenova was held in the year 1823. The names of the officers elected are as follows :
Supervisor—Ezra Puffer. Toion; Clerk—Milton Foot. Assessors— Daniel Wright, Isaiah Martin, Villeroy Balcom. Collector— Charles Wright. Overseers of Poor—Alvah Simons, Nathaniel Warner. Com’rs of Highways — Nathaniel Smith, Stephen P. Kinsley. Constables—Auren G. Smith, Charles Wright. Com’rs of Schools— Daniel Wright, Alvah Simons, John Weaver.
Inspectors of Schools—Hiram Kinsley, Ezra Puffer, Milton Foot. (Pg. 579)

Supervisor's from 1823 to 1875.
Ezra Puffer, 1823, "24. Villeroy Balcom, 1825 to '30, 32, '48 —8 years. Daniel Wright, 1831, '41. Henry Allyn, 1833. Austin Pierce, 1834 to '36, "39, '49. John C. Dibble, 1837. Luther Pierce, 1838. Nathan Gurney, 1840, '44. Joseph G. Hopkins, 1842,^43. George Hopkins, 1845 to '47. Timothy G. Walker, 1850, '51. Martin Crowell, 1852, '54, '55, 1858 to '62. '64, "66, '67—11 years. Hiram Cornell, 1853. James Wright, 1856, '57. Horace Burgess, 1863. Medad S. Corey, 1864. Tyler H. Searle, 1868, '69, 72, '73. Horatio G. Pope, 1870. Rollin L. Shepard, 1S71. Julius A. Ferry, 1874. David S. Bennett, 1875. (Pg. 579)

John Dye, from Chenango county, settled early in Villenova, on lot 20, where he resided until his death. , , ,George married Philenda Wright, and has 10 children : Elizabeth, wife of Harry Nobles, residing in the town; Charles, who married Elizabeth Allison; Polly Ann, wife of Wilder Wright, Forestville; De Ette, wife of John Hoyt, Buffalo; Letitia, wife of Edward McDole, Indiana; Adelia, wife of Edward North, Kansas; Celia, wife of Willard Wheeler, Villenova; (Pg. 581) A. Jaekson married Huldah Wright, whose children were Nancy; Glen, who died at 12; Edmund, who died at 8; Alice; Reuben; and Nelson. (Pg. 582)

Washington Shepard came from Arkwright, where he had settled with his father, Joel Shepard. In 1839, he removed to Hamlet. He was married to Abigail Hammond, from Mass. His children were Rollin L., a merchant at Hamlet; Allen, at Mount Sterling, 111., principal of a school; and Galusha H. He married for a second wife, Mrs. Lucy Parker [ne Whipple], daughter of Daniel Whipple. They reside at Hamlet. Mr. Shepard was for many years a Freewill Baptist preacher in this and the surrounding towns. (Pg. 582)

Daniel Whipple was born in Deerfield, Mass., and came from Litchfield. Herkimer Co., N. Y., and settled in the south-east part of the town, on lot 3, in 1810, which he had bought in Oct., 1809. He was the first settler in the town. He had 6 sons: Thomas [Whipple], a physician, who removed to Illinois, and died there; Daniel [Whipple], who lives in Perrysburgh; Alphonzo [Whipple], in Wisconsin; Lorenzo [Whipple], a Methodist minister, who removed to Wisconsin; Elijah [Whipple], in Canada; Elisha [Whipple], who removed to Toledo, O., where he died. The daughters were Eliza [Whipple], who died at 32, unmarried; Electa [Whipple], the first born child in the town, and the wife of James Wright, deceased; Lucy [Whipple], the wife, first, of Urson Parker; second, of Washington Shepard, a Free-will Baptist preacher, residing at Hamlet; Mary, wife of John Titus, Perrysburgh. (Pg. 584)

The Methodist Episcopal Church at Hamlet originated in the formation of a class, December 25, 1823, by Elder Daniel Prosser. The class consisted of Polly Smith, Obadiah Warner and Rebecca, his wife; Taylor Judd, Polly Judd [Wright], [since the wife of Edmund Wright;] (Pg. 584)

Original Purchases in Township 3, Range 14. . . .
1826. January, Wm. P. Adams, 60. April, John Parks, 49. William Pickard, 49. May, Isaac Coon, 54. Walter Strong, 50. June, Isaac Porter, 55. July, David Y. Stanton, 51- Sept., Chas. Granger, 42. Zalmon Ames, 64.
1827. April, Frederick Fox, 64. May, Selah Lanfear, 40. (Pg. 586)

In the south part of the town, [tp.3, r. 14,] Walter Strong settled, about 1826, on lot 50, bought in 1824. His wife was a sister of Tichenor and Franklin Sheldon, who settled in the same neighborhood. Their daughters were Fanny [Strong], wife of Lorenzo Morris, lawyer, Fredonia; Louisa [Strong], wife of Thomas Morris, who resides on the old farm of his father, in Chautauqua; Helen [Strong], wife of Alfred Leet, Rochester, Minn; Julia [Strong], wife of Marcus L. Plato, of 'Westfield; Laura [Strong], wife of Delavan Adams, of Sherman; Harriet [Strong], wife of Bloorafield Underhill, Ohio. (Pg. 587-88)

The first physician resident in Westfield is believed to have been Lawton Richmond; the year of his settlement not remembered. The following are the names of some who succeeded him, though their names are perhaps not given in the order of their settlement . . .Thomas D. Strong, George A. Hall, John M. Brown. Present physicians-John Spencer, T. D. Strong, John M. Brown, Charles P. Graves, and Geo. VV. Seymour; the last two, homoeopathists. Before there was a resident physician here, the inhabitants were served by Dr. Squire White, of Fredonia; Drs. Jediah and Wm. Prendergast and John E. Marshall, of Mayville. (Pg. 589)

Thomas B. Campbell built a grist-mill in 1818 and 1819, . . . He sold his mills to John R Walker, of Fredonia, who, several years after, sold them to George W. Norton, of Fredonia, by whom they were sold to John Boomer, and by him to Reuben Wright, Jr., who converted the gristmill into a paper-mill, which is, by him, still kept in successful operation. Timothy Pope early owned a saw-mill on Litde Chautauqua creek, where, afterwards. Couch and Stone had a carding and cloth-dressing establishment, which, about the year 1850, was changed to a grist-mill by Wm. H. Walker and Emmet and Allen Mallory, and is now owned by Charles Rinehard, and is known as the Glen Mill." (Pg. 590)

About the year 1821 or '22, Reuben Wright built a carding and cloth-dressing establishment near Atwater's saw-mill and the site of Rorig's brewery on the west side of the creek. (Pg. 590)

Reuben Wright, a native of Connecticut, removed to Redfield, Oswego Co., N. Y., and thence to Ohio. After a short residence there, he came to Westfield, in 18 14, and established the carding and cloth-dressing business on the west side of the creek, near the present site of Rorig's mill and brewery, which business he continued until 1829. He then bought a farm about a mile east from the village, where he died in 1847; the farm now owned by James O. Guile. A public house was for many years kept there by a son of Mr. Wright, and was distinguished as the Drovers' Home. Reuben Wright had 7 children, the first of whom died in infancy. The others, all living and married, are Allen [Wright], who married Emily Persons, and resides in Westfield; Betsey [Wright], the wife of Thomas Knight; Charlotte [Wright], wife of Edward Bradley; removed to Illinois, where he died, and where she still resides; Reuben G [Wright]., who married Cora E. Pierce; , who married Elizabeth Royce, of Ripley; and Martha [Wright], wife of Warren, removed to California —all but two residing in Westfield. (Pg. 614-15)

The Presbyterian church of Westfield was formed in 1808. . . The present church building was commenced in June, 1873, and completed in October, 1874, at a cost of $35,000. The trustees of the society at the time of its erection, were Thomas D. Strong, Joseph H. Plumb, Henry C. Kingsbury, James Johnston, Reuben G. Wright, and George W. Patterson. (Pg. 615-16)


Lorenzo Morris was born at Smithfield, Madison Co., Aug. 14, 1817. He was the son of David Morris, a native of Otsego Co., who settled in the town of Chautauqua, in 1829. . . . He was married in 1843, to Fanny E., daughter of Walter Strong, of the town of Westfield. He has three children: Ellen M., wife of John S. Russell, a partner in law with Mr. Morris; Clara A; and Walter D. (Pg. 638)


1852 —Francis S. Edwards. 1855 —Charles F. Matteson. [Appointed Nov. 20, 1855, vice Edwards, resigned.] 1858 —Samuel A. Brown. 1861 Austin Smith. 1864—Abram Dixon. 1867 —Abram Dixon. 1870 — Jabez B. Archibald. (Pg. 657)


1830-34—Abiram Orton, William Pendergast. 1830-31—Solomon Jones, Thos. B. Campbell, Jonathan Hedges. 1832 —Daniel Hazeltine, William M. Waggoner, Abram Dixon. 1833-34 —Solomon Jones. 1833-43 — Jonathan Cass. 1833-35 — Jonathan Hedges. 1835 —William T. Howell, Pearson Crosby, Joseph Wait. 1836-38—Henry Baker. 1836 —Nathaniel Gray, William M. Waggoner, William Prendergast. 1837-39 —William T. Howell. 1837 —Benjamin Douglass, Stephen May. 1838-39 —Henry Bosworth. 1838-48 — John Chandler. 1839-43 — Samuel A. Brown. 1840-43—David J. Matteson, William Gifford. 1844-48 William T. Howell. (Pg. 658)

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