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Justus G. Matteson to Mary Hatch
July 10, 1863

Transcribed by Ron Matteson

Absent but remembered friend,

you may think it strange that I have not answered your kind note before this but in the first place your letter was miscarried. second our mail was delayed. third there has been no chance to send out our mail untill now. therefore I will improve the first oportunity. I am glad to hear that you are recovering your health and hope that you will soon be well if you are not before now.

Mary I have seen some of the hardships of a soldiers life. I last wrote to you I was in the battle of Branetz [Brandy] station. our Co was detailed to support a battery and by a mistake of Gen. Kussels we were left in a piece of woods for two hours after the rest of our troops had recrossed the river at rappahannock ford. well the first thing that we realised was the yelling of the rebs. they wer charging upon us with a large forse. well we mounted in a hurry and out and gave them a volley and then wheeled and skedadled for the river which was three miles distant. the rebs wer within ten rods of us yelling like so many demons and the balls ahumming about us like fun. we made good our retreat without the loss of a man.

Our next fight was at Middleburg & Uppervill. from here we crossed the potomac at Edwards Ferry. it seemed as though we wer liberated from prison as soon as we got into Maryland. the people wer so different, so much like home. we had a tedious march to Gettysburg. I was not in the fight at that place but close by it. I should have been but my horse played out so I was dismounted and had to go behind with the mule train. I will (not) give an account of this battle for you can get it in the papers more correct perhapse for I could not see much of it.

P.S. your letter was miscarried, on the account of your leaving off the Cav in the directions. We are now at Midletown about ten miles from Frederick city waiting for some new horses.

we have official dispatches of the surrender of Vicksburg to day. the news created quite an excitement. and now if we can capture Lees army here I think the rebellion would go down.

I am in good health. you must excuse mistakes etc.

Mat I must close for it is supper time. I have just drawn my rations. they are the first that I have got in two weeks. we have had to beg or buy them for that time as our trains could not come up to us. Mat write as soon as convenient and oblige.

your friend

J. G. Matteson

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