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Justus G. Matteson to Mary Hatch
June 27, 1864

Transcribed by Ron Matteson

Dear Friend Mary,

As I have an oportunity now to write I will improve it by penning a few lines to you.

Mary I suppose that you think by this time that I have entirely forgotten you. far from it. there is not a single day passes but my mind wanders back to thee, to the seens of our childhood, and to other times later in life that I have spent in your society. Oh if I could but live those days over again I would be content.

I recieved your letter on the 30th of May and was very glad to hear that you wer sell and enjoying yourself. I have had no chance to write but once untill now and then it was only for five or ten minutes and I droped a line to my folks. We have just returned from a raid of over two weeks. I have been in three hard Cav fights since I wrote last, and under shelling five or six times besides. Our Co. has had sixteen killed wounded and missing this season. 4 killed 10 wounded and 2 missing. I have not been touched yet and am well and enjoy myself as well as can be expected in these times & plase. We are now eight or ten miles below Harisons landing on the James R. Our trains are a crossing the river on transports. they will be across in a day or two and then our Cav will cross. nearly all of our forces are on the south side of the river now but the Cav Corps and we will be there soon. then I expect that we will see some more hard times.

Gen. Grant is drawing nigh unto Richmond. there will be some hard fighting there before many days pass by.

It has been vary hot here for two weeks. no rain in that time untill yesterday & to day. it sprinkled yesterday & has just rained a little to day, but not half enough to lay the dust. there is scarcley a day passes but some one of the regt is sun stroke. I came near it several times.

Mary, I would like to be there and spend the fourth of july with you. When peace is declared here again there will be another day for us to hail with joy, in after years, in rememberance of the time when traitors laid down their arms to men who wer more true to their Country.

Mati, please excuse all mistakes and I will try and do better in the future. write soon and you will oblige one who will not forget thee. I remain Your Friend,

Justus G. Matteson

P. S.
Direct- J. G. Matteson
Co. L, 10th N. Y. Vol. Cav.
Washington, D. C.


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