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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: Voluntown, Connecticut Vol 5 pgs 263-264

William Wilson to Hezekiah Matteson
Dated March 3, 1772, Recorded June 18, 1772

To all People to whom these Presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I William Wilson
of Voluntown in the County of Windham and Colony of Connecticut in New England
for and in Consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds Lawfull money
to me in hand well and truly paid by Hezekiah Matteson of West Greenwich in the County
of Kent and Colony of Rhode Island & in sd New England the Receipt where of is
to my full Content and Satisfaction and thereupon have given granted Bargained
Sold Conveyed and Confirmed and Do By these presents fully freely & absolutly
give grant Bargain and sell aliene Enfeof Convey and Confirm unto the sd Hezekiah Matteson

end page 263

Matteson and to his heirs and assigns for Ever a Certain tract or Percel of land
Lying and Being in sd Voluntown & Contains about one hundred acres of land
Be the Same more or less and is Butted & Bounded & Described as follows (viz)
Begining at the Northwest Corner of a Seventy acre piece of Land which Jeremiah
Matteson have this Day purchased of John Adams of sd Voluntown from thence runing
Northerly till it Comes to a Bulging Black oak tree now fallen Down a bound of
my Land and was anciently marked on fower sides ans so on the same Course or line ten
Rods to ye South side of the Highway that goes from francis Smiths to providence
from thence Easterly as sd highway Runs or used to Run to a pine tree marked & stones
about it. But on a Straight Line one hundred and Sixty & Six Rods to the aforesd pine
tree it Being the North East Corner of sd Land and from thence South about fowr degree
west till it Comes to the Land which the sd Jeremiah purchased of sd Adams as afore
sd and from thence westerly in the north Line of ye Land sd Jeremiah purchased as
aforesd to the Bounds first mentioned Excepting only the highway a Cross sd Land
as the same is Laid out and occupied Together with the Building profits & previledges
thereunto Belonging TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sd granted and Bargained premises
with the appurtenances thereof unto him the sd Hezekiah Matteson and to his heirs
and assigns for Ever to his and their own proper use and behoof and also I ye said
William Wilson Do for my Self my heirs Executors and administrators Covenant
with the sd Hezekiah Matteson and with his heirs and assigns that at and untill the
Ensealing of these presents I am well seised of the premises as a good Inde
feasible Estate in fee simple and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the Same in
manner and form as is above written and that the same is free of all Incumbrances
Whatsoever[ the above sd highways only Excepted) and furthermore I the sd William
Wilson Do by these presents Bind my Self and my heirs for Ever to Warrant and
Defend the above granted and Bargained premises to him the sd Hezekiah Mat
teson and to his heirs and assigns against all Claims & Demands Whatsoever

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the third Day of March
in ye 12 year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third of great Britain
& King annoque Domini 1772 signed Sealed & Delivered
                        in presence of                                        William Wilson {seal}
William Jenckes Robert Dixson

June ye 18th day 1772 then Re=                 In Voluntown in the County of Windam on the 3rd Day
-ceived this Instrument to                         march AD 1772 personally appeared William Wilson
Record and recorded by                           the within Subscriber and acknowledged the within written
me Ebener Dow                                      strument to be his free act and Deed

recorder Before Me Robert Dixson Justice of ye peace

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