Transcribed by Jonathan Laing
Uriah Matteson to Charles Matteson
Dated April 04, 1814
Know all men by ?___ Present that I Uriah Matteson of West Greenwich in the
county of Kent and state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation yeoman
for the consideration of one thousand dollars paid me by Charles Matteson
of said West Greenwich in the county and State above written Gentleman the
receipt where I do hereby acknowledge do hereby give grant bargain sell and
convey unto the said Charles Matteson his heirs and aligns forever one certain
tract or parcel of land lying in the West Greenwich aforesaid and estimated
at fifty five acres more or less is butted and bounded as follow with ?___
beginning at a highway at the north bar post at the northwest corner of Christopher
Matteson’s land then running Easterly about three feet to the middle of a
certain rock in the ground then the same course to the middle of a great
rock then to extend easterly to the great river where the brook now empties
into the river then northerly as the River goes to land of Thomas Matteson
then westerly joining on the land of Thomas Matteson to the Southwest Corner
of Thomas Matteson land then Northerly joining land of Thomas Matteson to
a highway then westerly on the highway to the Nooseneck Road then southerly
on said road to the first mentioned bounds. To have and to hold the said
granted and bargained premises with the privileges and opportunities there
of together with my cedar swamp lot and turn in the sawmill to him the said
Charles Matteson his heirs and aligns forever to his and their use and behold
forever and I the said Uriah Matteson for myself my ?___ executor and administrator
do covenant With the said Charles Matteson his heirs and aligns that I am
lawfully seized in fee of the premises that they are free of all inumbrancies
that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Charles Matteson
to hold as foresaid and that I will warrant and defend the same to the said
Charles Matteson his Heirs and aligns forever against the lawfull claims
and demands of all persons.
In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed any seal this 15th day of May AD 1813
Signed sealed and delivered
Uriah Matteson (Mark)
In the presences of
Hall Matteson
Joseph Sweet
Recorded April 19th AD 1814
Kent ?____ at West Greenwich on the tenth day of August AD 1813. Personally
appeared the within named Uriah Matteson signed and sealed of the within
instrument and acknowledged the same to be his own voluntary act and died
hand and seal then unto affixed ?_____
Clarke Greene ?_____
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