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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: Voluntown, Connecticut

Thomas Matteson to Francis Smith Jr.
Dated October 27, 1788, Recorded March 7, 1789

To all people to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye
that I Thomas Matteson of Volluntown in the County of Windham and State
of Connecticut yeoman for and in Consideration of the Sum of twenty one pounds
fifteen Shillings Lawfull money to me in hand well and truly paid by
francis Smith Jun of Volluntown afore sd the receipt whereof I do here=
=by acknowledge and myself therewith fully Contented and thereupon
have given granted Bargained Sold Conveyed Confirmed Alienated and
Enfeeoffed unto the sd Francis Smith Jun and Do for my Self my
heirs &c fully freely and absolutely give grant Bargain Sell Convey
Confirm Alien and Enfeoffe unto the sd Francis Smith Junr his heirs and
Assigns forever a Certain tract or percel of Land Lying and Being in
Volluntown afore sd Containing by Estimation about five acres and
three quarters be the Same more or Less and is Bounded and Described
as followeth (VIZ) Begining at a maple tree the Southeast Corner
of land Belonging to francis Smith of Volluntown thence East 4°
North 19 1/2 rods to a Stake and Stones about it on the East Bank
of a Brook thence north 4° west 3 rods and 7 Links to a Stump
in the west Bank of sd brook thence west 29° north four rods
and fifteen Links to a sassafas Stump the south west Corner of Land
Belonging to John Briggs of Sd Volluntown and Miller thence north 25 1/2°
East 46 1/2 rods to a walnut Staddle with Stones about it thence
West 5° South and Bounding on the old providence Road 26 rods
to prenteses Line thence Bound on prentisses Line to the Bounds first
mentioned to him the sd francis Smith Junr his heirs and assigns
forever to have hold enjoy occupy and possess the above granted and
Bargained premises free and clear of all Incumbrances whatsoever
as a good and Indefeasable Estate of Inheritance in fee simple
fully freely and absolutely Exonerated and Discharged from my my heirs
&c to him the sd francis smith Junr his heirs and assigns together
with all the previlidges thereunto Belonging and further I the sd Thomas
Matteson do Covenant for my Self my heirs &c to and with the sd
Francis Smith Junr his heirs and assigns that at and untill the
Ensealing of these presents I am the true and Lawfull owner of
the above granted and bargained premises and have good Right
and lawfull authority to Sell and Dispose of the Same in manner
and form as above described and Do by these presents Bing my
Self my heirs &c to the sd francis Smith his heirs and assigns the
above Bargained premises against all the Lawfull Claims of any
person or persons whatsoever forever to warrant and Defend as
witness my hand this 27th Day of october AD 1788
Signed Sealed and delivered                                        Thomas Matteson {seal}
in presence of Caleb Cushing                               windham Ss Volluntown on the 29th day of october
                     Deuty Matteson                            AD 1788 personally appeared thomas matteson
march 7th 1789 then received                              the signer ans sealer of the within and above
the above Deed to Record and                          written Instrument and acknowledged the Same to
Recorded by me Benjn Dow                               be his free act and Deed Before
              Recorder                                                            me    Robert Dixson Justice peace

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