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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: West Greenwich Land Evidence pages 467-469

Russell Matteson to Sylvester Knight
Dated November 2, 1818, Recorded January 8, 1819

Know all men by these presents that I Russell Matteson
of Coventry in the County of Kent and State of Rhodeisl
-and and Providence Plantations Yeoman, In Consideration
of the Sum of forty Eight Dollars paid by Sylvester
Knight of Warwick in the County of Kent Physician
the Receipt there of I do hereby Acknowledge do hereby
Give Grant bargain Sell and Convey unto the Said Sylves
-ter Knight his heirs and assigns forever a Certain Lot
or Tract of land lying and being in West Greenwich in
Said County of Kent and is buted and bounded as
follows Viz Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Jonathan

(end page 467)

Whaleys Land thence Southerly to a Stake and Stones
Thence Easterly untill it comes to Land of Joab Wood
to a Stake and Stones thence Northerly untill it
Comes to Jonathan Whaleys Land to a Stake and
Stones thence Westerly to the first Mentioned Corner
and Contains Thirty Acres of land be the Same More or
Less To Have and to holdthe said Granted and bargained
premises with the Privileges and appurtenances thereof
to the Said Sylvester Knight his heirs and assigns to his
and their use and behoof forever, and I the Said Russell
Matteson for myself my heirs Executors and administrators
Do Covenant with the Said Sylvester Knight his heirs
and assigns that I am Lawfully Seized in fee of the
Premises that they are free of all Incumbrances that
I have Good Right to Sell and Convey the Same to
the Said Sylvester Knight to Hold as aforesaid
and that I Will Warrant and Defend the Same to
the Said Sylvester Knight his heirs and assigns
forever against the Lawfull claims and demands
of all persons.~~Provided Nevertheless that if
I the Said Russell Matteson my heirs Executors or
Administrators Shall will and truly pay to the
Said Sylvester Knight his heirs Executors Administra
tors or Assigns the full and Just Sum of forty Eight
Dollars on or before the first day of May 1819 with
Lawfull Interest for the Same untill paid then this
Deed as also a Certain Note of hand bearing Even date
with these presents Given by me to the Said Sylvester
Knight Conditioned to pay the same Sum and Interest
at the time aforesaid Shall be Void Otherwise to be
and Remain in full force and virtue. In Witness Whereof I
have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 2nd day of November
1818, In presence of us
Joseph Capwell                                        Russel Matteson {seal}
Anthony Tarbox }

(Written across the left side of this page)

To whom this may concern this will satisfy that I the said Sylvester Knight
have received of Wilbur Matteson the person who hath the right of
Redemption of the within mortgage deed Thirty Dollars It being in full for
the ballance due to me for which this mortgage deed was given as security
Witness my hand and Seal at Providence in the County of Providence this
19th day Ad 1837 hereby Discharge this sd Mortgage deed. In presence of
Jabez C. Knight Alexd Maurry

(end page 468)

Recorded           { Kent sc} In Coventry the day and year above
January 8th       { written personally appeared the above Named Russel
AD 1819           { Matteson and acknowledged the within
---by---            { Written Instrument to be his own free Voluntary
                       { act and Deed hand and Seal thereunto affixed
T.Nichols TnClk { Before Me   ~~~Anthony Tarbox Justpeac

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