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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: West Greenwich Land Evidence New Series Book 2 1795-1801 Pages 145-147

Josiah Matteson to sons Russell and Stukely
Dated February 22, 1797

To all People to whom these presents Shall Come Know
ye that I Josiah Matteson of West Greenwich in the
County of Kent and State of Rhode Island yeoman Send
Greeting Know ye that I the Sd Josiah Matteson for
and in Consideration of Natural Love and affection
which I have and do bear unto my two Sons Namely
Stukely and Russell Matteson of the Said Town County and
State above I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith
fully Satisfied Contented and there of and of every part and
parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge them the
Said Russell and Stukely Matteson their heirs Executors
and Administrators forever by these presents have given granted
Bargained Alliened Conveyed and Confirmed unto them
the Said Russell and Stukely Matteson to them their
Heirs and Assigns forever one certain tract of Land or
farm Situate Lying and being in West Greenwich as
aforesd Containing by Estimation one hundred and twenty
acres of Land be the Same more or less with a Dwelling –
House thereon Standing the Sd farm is buted and Bounded as
followeth South on a Highway West on Land of Job Matteson
North on Land of Joseph Manchester Esqr East on Land belong
ing to my two Sons afore Named beginning at Job Matteson
Southeast Corner at the Highway and to Extend Eastward
until it Comes to the above sd Stuckely and Russell Matteson
Land thence to Extend Northward to Joseph Manchesters Land
thence to Extend Westward to Job Matteson Land thence to Extend
Southward to the first Mentioned Bound at the Highway
and also I give grant and Confirm unto the above sd Russell
and Stukely Matteson to them their Heirs and Assigns
forever in Manner and form as the above Mentioned
tract of land or farm and for the same Consideration
one other Small Lot or tract of Land Situate Lying and
being in West Greenwich as aforesd Containing fourteen Acres
Acres ^of Land^ by Estimation be the Same more or less and is butted
and Bounded as followeth North on the Highway East on
Land belonging to Daniel Howard South on Land of
Samuel King West on Land of Samuel King in Sd West
Greenwich beginning at Samuel Kings Northeast Corner
Runing Eastward Down the Highway untill it Comes to
Daniel Howards Land thence Southward to Samuel
Kings Land thence Westward to S.Kings Land thence
Northward to the first Mentioned Bound at the Highway
the abovesd Land to be Equally divided between my two sons

end page 145

To have and to hold the Said granted and Bargained
premises with all the Apputeneances and priveledges and Com
modities to the Same belonging or in any wise Apper
taining to them the sd Russell and Stukely Matteson their
Heirs and Assigns forever to their only proper use benefit
and behoof forever and I the sd Josiah Matteson for my
Self my Heirs Executors and Administrators do Covenant
promise and Grant to and with the sd Russell and Stukely
Matteson their Heirs and Assaigns that at and before the
ensealing hereof I am the true Sole and lawful owner
of the above Bargained premises and am Lawfully Seized
and Possessed of the Same in my own proper Right as
a good perfect and Absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee
Simple and have in my Self good Right full power and
Lawful Authority to grant Bargain Convey and Con
firm the Said bargained premises in manner as aforesd—
and that th Sd Russell and Stukely Matteson their Heirs &
Assigns Shall and May from time to time and at all
times forever hereafter by force and Virtue of these presents
Layfully peaceably and Quietly have hold use occupy—
Possess and Enjoy the sd Demised and Bargained premises
with all the Appurtenances free and Clear and freely
and Clearly acquited Exonerated and Discharged of and
from all and all manner of former or other gifts
grants Bargains Sales Leases Mortgages Wills Entails
Jointures Dowries Judgements Executions or Incumbran
ces of What Name or Nature Soever that might in any
incasure or degree obstruct or make Void this aforesaid
Deed Furthermore I the Said Josiah Matteson for my
Self my Heirs Executor and Administrator do Coven
ant and Engage the above Demised premises to them their
Heirs and Assigns against the Lawful Claims or
demands of any person or person in any Name or
Nature forever to warrant Secure and Defend by these
presents and Marcy Matteson Wife to Josiah Matteson
doth for the Consideration afore Mentioned doth give
up acquit and Surrender and Discharge all her
Right of Dower and power of thirds that She hath
Shall or may have unto of or from the abovesd granted
and Bargained premises : In Witness hereof we have

end page 146

have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this 29th
day of July in the year of our Lord 1796 and
the 21st of American Independance.

**{Stephen Bailey}sp;                    Josiah + Matteson
{Robert Bailey }                                    mark
---------------------------} Personally Appeared Josiah Mat-
The aforegoing Deed { teson the grantor this 20th day of
Recorded February } August AD 1796 and Acknowledg
the 22nd day AD 1797 { ed the foregoing Deed to be his
By B. Johnson T. Clk } free act and did hand and
                                Seal hereunto first before
                                Me Samuel Hopkins J of peace

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