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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: Voluntown, Connecticut

Joseph Sweet to Hezekiah and Jeremiah Matteson
Dated April 8, 1773, Recorded September 14, 1773

To all People to Whom thses Presents Shall Come I Joseph Sweet of Coventry in the
County of Kent in the Colony of Rhoad Island yeoman for and in Consideration
of the Sum of one hundred pounds Lawfull money to me in hand paid By
Hezekiah Matteson and Jeremiah Matteson Both of Voluntown in the County
of Windom in the Colony of Connecticut & yeoman the Receipt Where of
I Do hereby acknowledge and my self there with fully Satisfied Contented
and paid Have Given granted Bargained and Sold and by these presents
Do Give grant Bargain Sell aliane Enffeof Convey and Confirm unto them the
the sd Hezekiah Matteson and Jeremiah Matteson their heirs and assigns
for Ever a Certain tract or percel of Lan lying and Being in Voluntown afore
said Containing by Estimation 60 acres be the same more or Less with one Dwel=
=linghouse thereon Standing Butted and bounded as followeth (viz) Beginning at
a heap of stones Standing on the south Line of francis Smith's Land about one Rod
South from a white oake Tree marked - from thence Southerly forty Rods to a Walnut
tree marked - from thence Easterly to a White oak tree marked which is ye Northwest
Corner of a Lot of Land Known by the Name of John Smith's Ceder Swamp - from thence
South four Degrees west to a white oak tree marked the South West Corner of sd Ceder
Swamp - from thence East twelve Degrees South about thirty Rods to a bound
marked from thence North two degrees East to a bound marked near where the brook
falls into the Ceder Swamp - from thence Easterly by the Brook that Runs the
North side of the Ceder Swamp untill it Comes to a Stake and Stones on the West Line
of the fourth Lot or Division of sd Smiths Ceder Swamp Lot which Division no Be -
=longs to the Heirs of John Harris of Nantucket from thence Northerly by sd Harrises
Land till it Comes to Land formerly Belonging to William Adams from thence
Westerly by sd Land untill it Comes to a Stake and heap of Stones Standing Eighty Rods
and a half Easterly from the Walnut tree above mentioned from thence Northerly to
a stake and heap of Stones in the South Line of francis Smiths Land from thence to
the Bound first mentioned Excepting one half acre of Land at the East End of
the old Bridge for the Conveanience of halling out Ceder and Laying thereon
together With the preveledge and Liberty of away or Cart Road to Carry the Ceder
a way at or near the way the Road Now Leads ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Have and to Hold sd granted and Bargained premises to them the sd Hezekiah
Matteson & Jeremiah Matteson their heirs and assigns for Ever as a free Inheritance
in fee simple for Ever and I the sd Joseph Sweet Do hereby avouch myself to be
the true Sole and Lawfull owner of the above Bargained premises and am Lawfully Seised
and possessed thereof and have good Right to Dispose of the same as afore sd and that
they are free from all Incumbrances Whatsoever and also hereby for myself my heirs
Executors & administrators Covenant with the sd Hezekiah Matteson and Jeremiah
Matteson their heirs and assigns the afore granted and Bargained premises and
appurtenances against the Lawfull Claims or Demands of all persons Whomsoever
to Warrant and for Ever Defend In Witness Whereof I have here unto set my

(end page 318)

my hand and Seal this Eigth Day of April and in the thirteenth year of
his majesties Reign George the third King of great Britian& Annoque
Domini one Thousand seven hundred & seventy three
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of               Joseph Sweet {seal}
Nathaniel Green John Rice                                   Kent Js Coventry the Day and year above written
September the 14th day AD 1773          personally appeared Joseph Sweet subscriber to the
then received this instrument                            above written Instrument and acknowledged the same to
to Record and Recorded by me                 be his act and Deed hand and seal thereunto affixed
Eben`er Dow Recorder                                    Before me John Rice Justice peace

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