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Co-transcribed by Marge and Ken Matteson and John Potter

Joseph Matteson to sons David, Jonathan and Josiah Matteson
Dated May 9, 1758

(converted from a pdf file - formatting errors remain)

To all people to whom this Present Shall Come Greeting
Know ye that I, Joseph Matteson of East Greenwich, in the
said County of Kent, in the Colony of Rhode Island, and yeoman. For and in
consideration of the Parential Love, Good Will and affection which
I have and do bear unto my Loving sons David Matteson, Jonathan
Matteson, Both of Coventry and Josiah Matteson of T East Greenwich,
all of the County of Kent and Colony above said Husbandmen. ­
but more Especially for their better Livelihood and more Comfort-
able Maintenance; Have Given, Granted, aliened, Conveyed and
Confirmed by those Presents Do freely fully Clearly and
absolutely Give, Grant, Alien, Enfeoffe - Convey and Confirm unto
my said sons David Matteson, Josiah Matteson and Jonathan
Matteson to them and each of them their, and each of their
Heirs and assigns forever, A certain tract or Parcel of Land
Situate - Lying and being in the abovesaid East Greenwich and
is the Home Stead Place whereon I, the said Jonathan * Joseph Matteson,
now Dwells and Contains by Estimation fifty Nine acres be the
same, more or Less, it is Butted and Bounded as followeth.
beg. Northerly on a Highway, Easterly on Land Belonging to Benoni
Andrews, Southerly on Land belonging to Josiah Matteson and Westerly
on the Dividing Line Between the Towns of Said East Greenwich
and West Greenwich.-----------

end of page 431.

To HAVE AND TO HOLD the above Demised and Granted
Premises with all the * Singuler, the Houses, Buildings, Appurtenances ~
Privileges and Commodities to the same belonging to this - and each of
their Heirs and Assigns forever [to this and each of their Heirs
and assigns forever] to be Divided equally between them Quantity and
Quality, equally alike to their and each of their only Proper use,
Benefit and Behoof forever. And that they, the said David
Matteson - Josiah Matteson and Jonathan Matteson - they and each
of them their, and each of their heirs and assigns, Shall and may
from time to time and all time forever hereafter by force
and virtue of those Presents, Lawfully, Peaceably and Quietly
HAVE use HOLD, occupy Possess and Enjoy the said Premises.
Premises with the appurtenances free and Clear of all Incumbrances
of what Name or Nature Serves. So that they, my said
Sons David Matteson, Josiah Matteson and Jonathan Matteson,
and each of them their and each of their Heirs and Assigns shall

and may from time to time and at all Times forever hereafter by force and virtue of those
Presents, Lawfully, Peaceably and Quietly Enjoy the above Demised Premis-.
es with out the Lot Said ???n??? Int??plica Ma???s?a?ica ** of

(Eviction of me thy, S Joseph Matteson)***

me the said Joseph Matteson, or ^ or any other Person or Persons
whatsoever from, by or under me under any Pretense or Coller
whatsoever; But, of, and from all and every action Right,
Estate, Title, Interest and Demands of in and unto the Same
Shall be willingly excluded and forever Debited by these Presents.
In Witness whose of, I the said Joseph Matteson have here
under Set my Hand and Seal this Ninth Day of May in the
Thirty first year of his Majesties Reign, George the Second, King
of Great Britain, & Anno Domini 1758.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
In the Presence of
Loes (her X mark) Andrew

Joseph (his X mark) Matteson
Thomas Shippee.
Recorded and Compared with the original Kent &
February 26, 1759
Personally appeared the
by Giles Pierce Town Clk
Subscriber on
the Day and year above
Ritten and
acknowledged the above
Instrument to be his act and Deed
hand and Seal there unto affixed.
Before me. Thomas Shippee, Jus's of Peace

end of page 432.

* Lined through in the original record.
** These letters and words are indistinguishable in the transcribers' photo copies. Researchers are encouraged to look at the original record.
*** This phrase was inserted between the two lines in the original record.

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