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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: West Greenwich Land Evidence, pages 465-467

Joseph Matteson to Son Jonathan
Dated October 9, 1750

To all People to Whom the Presents
Shall Come I Joseph Matteson of West Green
wich in the County Of Providence and Colony
of Rhode island & Yeoman Send Greeting ~
Know ye that I the Sd Joseph Matteson for
and in Consideration of the Sum of fifty
five pounds Corrant Money of New England
To me in hand before the Ensealing here of
Well and truly Paid by my Son Jonathan of
the Town County and Colony afore sd Laborer
The Receipt where of I do hereby acknowledge
and my self there with fully Satisfied Contented
and Paid and there of and of Every Part and
Persell there of do Exonerate acquit and
discharge him the sd Jonathan Matteson his
Heirs and assigns for ever by these Presents Have
Given Granted Bargained Sold aliened Enfeoffed
Conveyed and Confirmed and by these Presents
do freely fully and absolutly Give Grant Barg
an Sell aliene Enfeoffe Con Vey and Confirm
Unto him the said Jonathan Matteson his Heirs
and assigns for Ever a certain tract or Persell
of land Sciatute Lying and being in West Green
wich a bove sd Containing by Estimation Thirty
acres be the Same more or Less and it is Part
of a farme that I Purchased of Benajah Carr
and it is the Eastermost Part of sd farme and is
Butted and Bounded as followeth Viz Begining at
the North west Corner of a farme Belonging to
the Heirs of Henry Joslin and to Run westerly to the
East Eand of a stone Wall and from thence to
Run Southerly to the Place where was once a Stone
Chimbly and from thence Southerly a Cross sd farm
and to be as wide at the South Eand as it is at the
north Eand. Bounded Eastorly on Land Belonging
to the heirs of Henry Joslin Southerly Part on
Land of James Greene and part on Land of Paska
Whitford west on Land of the Granter Part of sd
farme and Northerly on a high way ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
To Have and To Hold the said Granted
and bargained Premises with all the appertinen
ces Privileges and Comodities to the Same Belong
ing or in any wise appertaining to him the sd
Jonathan Matteson his Heirs and assigns^to them^ to his
and theirs only proper use Bennifet and behoof
for Ever

end page 465

and I the sd Joseph Matteson for my self my heirs
Executors and administrators do Covenant Promise
and^grant^to and with the sd Jonathan Matteson his
Heirs and assigns that all and before the Ensealing
Here of I am the True Sole and lawfull owner
of the above Bargained Premises and am Lawfull
ly Seized and possessed of the Same in my own Proper
Right as a Good Perfect and absolute Estate of
Inheritance in fee Simple and have in my Self
Good Right full Power and lawfull authority
To Grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm
The Said Bargained Premises in manner
a bove sd and that the sd Jonathan Matteson
his Heirs and assigns Shall and may from time
to time and att all times for Ever here
after by force and Virtue of these Presents
Lawfully Peaceably and Quietly Have hold use
occupy Possess and Enjoy the sd Premises and Bar
gained Premises with all the appurtenances free
and Clear and freely and Clearly acquited
Exonerated and Discharged of and from
all and all manner of former or other
Gifts Grants Bargains Sails Leeses mortgasses
Wills Entails Joyntures Dowries Judgements
Executions or incomberances of what name
or Nature Soever that might in any mea
sure or Degree obstruct or make Void this
Present Deed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Further More I the sd Joseph Matteson
for my self my heirs Executors and administra
tors Do Covenant and Eangage the above
demised Premises to him the Said Jonathan mat
teson his heirs and assigns aGainst the Law
full Claims or Demands of any Person
or Persons what so Ever to war
rant Secure and defend by these Presents
in Witness where of I have here unto Sett my
hand and seal this ninth day of October and in
the twenty fourth year of his majesties Reign
& AD 1750 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the Presence of

end page 466

Samuel Hopkins          Joseph JOS Matteson
        his                               mark
John  +  Aylsworth

                      West Greenwich october the 9th Day
                      AD 1750 I the Subscriber Joseph
                      Matteson Personally apeared
                      and did acknowledged this ^above^ Instru
                      ment to be my act and Deed
                      hand and Seal before me
                      Samll Hopkins Justice Peace

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