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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: West Greenwich Land Evidence Book 3 1748-1761 Page 81

John Matteson to Capt. Henry and Henry III
Dated March 14, 1750

Know all men by these presents that I John mat
teson Son of henry matteson jur of west Greenwich in the
County of Kent in the Colony of Rhodisland &:c Laborer
am Held and firmly Bound and obliged unto Henry mattes
on Jnner and Henry matteson Son of Henry matteson Jnr
of the Town County and Colony afore sd yeoman In the
full and Just Sum of one Thousand Pounds in Good &
Passable Bills of Publick Credit or Corrant money
of New England of the old tenor to Be Paid unto sd
Henry matteson jnr and Henry matteson Son of henry
matteson jnr or to their Heirs Executors administra
tors or assigns for the which Payment well and
Truly to be made and Dun I Bind my Self my heirs
Executors and Administrators firmly By these Presents
Sealed With my Seal dated the fourteenth day of
march and in the twenty fifth year of his majesties
Reign George the Second King of Great Britain &c
AD 1750 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Condition of the above Written obligation
is such That Where as the above sd Henry matteson
jur and Henry matteson Son of Henry matteson Jur
Hathe Each of them Land Lying to the north of
the above sd John mattesons Land that their is no
Highway that their Land adjoins to and I the ^above^ John
matteson for myself my Heirs Executors Administra
tors and assigns do Covenant and a Gree that the a
Bove sd Henry matteson Jur and Henry matteson Son of
Henry matteson Jur Each of them and Each of
their heirs Executors Administrators and assigns
that they Shall and may att all times for Ever here
after have a soficant way to Pass and repass a Cross
my Land to the high way it being the Country
Road and So Long as the a bove sd John matteson his
Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns Shall well
and truly Suffer the Sd Henry matteson Jun and Henry
matteson Son of Henry matteson Jur their heirs Exe
cutors and assigns as above said Peaceably to Pass and
Repass with out any Molistation or hinderance then
the above obligation to be void But on falier on any Part
their of to Stand and Remain in full force and virtue in
the Law ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Signed Sealed and dilevered
in the Presence of us
Griffen Sweet -                    John matteson son of Henry matteson Jun {seal}
Priscilla + Sweet

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