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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: Voluntown, Connecticut

Hezekiah Matteson to son Peleg
Dated June 8, 1773, Recorded October 12, 1773

To all People to Whom these Presents Shall Come I Hezekiah Matteson of Voluntown
in the County of Windham in the Colony of Connecticut & yeoman Send Greeting Know ye
that I the sd Hezekiah Matteson for and In Consideration of the Love Good Will and
Paternal Affection which I have and Do Bare for and towards my Loving Son Peleg Matteson
of Voluntown in the County & Colony aforesd Husbandman and Divers other good Causes and ~
Considerations hereunto Moveing Have Given Granted aliened Enfeofed Conveyed and Con=
=firmed and by these presents Do give grant aliene Enfeof Convey & Confirm unto him my sd
son Peleg Matteson his heirs and assigns for Ever a Certain piece or percel of Land
Scituate Lying & Being in sd Voluntown and is Butted and Bounded as followeth (viz) Begining at
a walnut tree marked with stones about it Standing in the North Line of my Homestead farme
adjoining to an old Road or highway formerly Land of francis Smith to providence ~
from thence near South forty seven rods to a Dry Stump with stones about it from thence
near East four rods and a half rod to a Brook Which Runeth through sd farm to a heap of stones
from thence northerly by sd Brook ten Rods to a heap of stones from thence near Sorth East
about two Rods to a Black oak tree marked with stones about it from thence near north East forty=
=nine Rods and a half Rod to a white oak tree marked with stones about it from thence near
East Eighteen Rod to s stump with stones about it from thence North to a Walnut tree mar-
=ked with Stones about it about Eight Rods from thence near East twenty Eight Rods to a stake
and heap of stones round it by a highway from thence Northerly by sd Highway untill it Comes
to the Road or highway afore mentioned from thence Westerly by sd old Road or Highway until it Comes
to the Bounds first mentioned with one Dwelling house thereon standing which my sd Son now
Dwelleth in and Contains by Estimation about thirty four acres Be the same more or less To Have
and to Hold the afore franted and given premises with all the appurtenances previledges and com=
=modities to the same Belonging or in any wise appertaining to him my sd Son peleg Matteson his
heirs and assigns for Ever to his and their own proper use Benefit and Behoof for Ever and
I the sd Hezekiah Matteson for my self my heirs Executors & administrators Do Covenant ~
promise and grant to and with my sd Son Peleg Matteson his heirs and assigns that at &
Before the Ensealing hereof I am the Sole and Lawfull owner of the sd given & granted
premises in my own proper Right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee sim=
=ple and have good right full power and Lawfull authority to give and Dispose of the same in man-
=ner as afore sd and that the sd Peleg Matteson his heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to
time and at all times for Ever hereafter by force and virtue of these presents Lawfully peace-
ably and Quietly have hold use occupy possess & Enjoy the sd given and granted premises with
the appurtenances free and Clear and freely and Clearly acquited Exonorated & Discharged
of and from all & all manner of Incumbrances of what name or Nature soever that might in any
measure or degree obstruct or make void this present Deed of gift furthermore I the sd Heze-
-kiah Matteson for my self my heirs Executors and administrators Do Covenant and Engage ye above
Demised premises unto him the sd Peleg Matteson his heirs and assigns against the Lawfull Claims
or demands of any person or persons whatsoever for Ever to Warrant Secure and Defend by these
presents In Witness Wherof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 8th day of June and in
the thirteenth year of his majesties Reign George the third King of Great Britain & C
Rachel Fuller John Rice                                                                                                    Hezekiah Matteson {seal}

october the 12th Day                 Kent Js Coventry the Day and year affore Written personal=
Ad 1773 then Received           -ly appeared Hezekiah Matteson Subscriber to the afore
this Instrument to Re                    written Instrument and acknowledged the Same to be his
cord and Recorded by              act and Deed hand and Seal there unto affixed
me Eben-er Dow                         Before me John Rice Justice peace

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