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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: West Greenwich Land Evidence Book 11 1748-1761 pages 79-80

Henry III (son of Capt Henry)and Ruth Matteson to son John Matteson
Dated Nov 2, 1750

To all People to Whom these Presents Shall Come I
Henry Matteson Jur of West Greenwich in the County
of Kent in the Colony of Rhodisland &c yeoman Send
Greeting Know ye that I the sd Henry matteson for
and in Consideration of the Pearental Love which
and do Bear towards my Son John matteson of the
Town County and Colony a fore sd Laborer the Recipt
Where of I do hereby acknowledge my self theirwith
fully Satisfied and Contented and there of and of Every
Part and Percel there of do Exonrat acquit and Dis
charge him my said son John Matteson his
Heirs Executors and Administrators for Ever by these
Presents : Have Given Granted aliened Enfeoffed
Conveyed and Confirmed and By these Presents do
freely fully and absolutely Give grant aliene Enfeoffe
Convey and Confirm unto my sd Son John matteson
his Heirs and assigns for Ever a Certain tract or
Percel of Land Scituate Lying and Being in west Green
wich afore sd and Contains one Hundred acres more
nor Less and is Part of the 45 farm in the Second
Division in new Parchis So Called Laid out in the
Right of Thomas Weaks and is the South Eand of sd
farme Butted and Bounded followeth vix South
only on a high way westerly on Land of Thomas
Cranston Northerly on Land of the Granter Part
of sd Farm Easterly Partly on Land of
John Weaver and Partly on Land of John Greene &
is now in the Present tenor and occupation of the
Granter or how Ever other wise Bounded or Reported
to Be Bounded according to the Plat of sd farm
To Have and To Hold the sd Given and Granted
Premises with all the appurtinances Priviledges and
Comodities to the same Belonging or in and wise appe
rtaining to him the sd John Matteson my Son his
Heirs and assigns for Ever to them and their only
Proper use Bennifet and Be Hoof for Ever and I the sd
Henry matteson Jur: for my Self my heirs Executors
and administrators Do Coven ant Promise and Grant to
and with my sd Son John matteson his heirs and
assigns that att and Be fore the Ensealing here of
I am the true Sole and Lawfull owner of the a bove

(end page 79)

Given and Granted Premises and am Lawfully Seized and
Possessed of the Same in my own Proper Right as a Good per
fect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee simple and
have in my Self Good Right full Power and Lawfull au
thority to Give Grant Convey and Confirm the sd Given and
Granted Premises in manner as above sd and that my sd Son
John matteson his Heirs and assigns Shall and may from time
To time and att all times for ever here after By force
and virtue of these Presents Lawfully Peaceably and Quie
tly Have Hold use occupy Possess and Enjoy the sd Given and
Granted Premises with the appurtinances free and clear
of and from all and all manner of former or other Gifts Grant
s Judgments Executions or In Combrances of what name
or nature forever that might in any measure or or degre obstruct
or make void this present dded of Gift : Further more I the
Said Henry matteson Jnner for my Self my heirs Executors
and Administrators do Covenand and Engage the above
Given and Demised Premises to him my sd Son John matteson
His heirs and assigns Against the Lawfull Claims or Demands
of any Person or Persons what Soever for ever to warr
ant Secure and Defend By these Presents and I Ruth matte
son wife of the afore sd Henry matteson Jur Do By these
Presents for the Consideration a fore sd freely and willingly
Give yield up and Surrender all my Right of dowry and
Power of thirds of in and unto the above Given and Granted
Premises unto him my sd Son John matteson his heirs
and assigns for Ever : and in witness where of we the sd Hen
ry matteson Jr and Ruth matteson his wife have here unto
Set our hands and Seals this Second Day of November andm
the Twenty fifth year of his majesties Reign George the Second
King of Great Brittin &c An : no Vue.fom 1750
Signed Sealed & delivered
In the Presence of                            Henry Matteson Jun {seal}
John Greene son of John                                          her
Griffen Sweet                                                Ruth    + Matteson {seal}
                                      West Greenwich Jc
Personally appeared the a bove named Henry matteson
the Granter and Ruth matteson his wife the day and year
afore sd and Did Acknowledge the above and within written
Instrument to Be their own free Voluntary acts and
deeds hands and Seals there unto affixed Before me

                                                     Jen. (?) Ellis Justice Peace

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