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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: Voluntown, CT

George Matteson and others to Town of Voluntown for Road
Dated December 12, 1785, Recorded January 2, 1786

To all people to whome thses presents Shall Come Greeting
Know ye that we the Subscribers (viz) Archabal Kasson of Coventry
in the State of Rhodeisland and Archabald Gordon Titus Baley
Thomas Manchester James megonigal George matteson and Isaac
Gallup of Volluntown in the County of Windham and State of
Connecticut for the Consideration of the publick good Do give grant
Convey and Confirm unto the town of Volluntown a Road or high
way two Rods wide Lying on the South Side of a Line Beginning
at a heap of Stones in the Line Between the State of Connecticut
and RhodeIsland Near the house of Adam Kasson Esqr thence west
5 Degrees South 30 Rods to the north End of a bridge thence w 12 Degrees
South 41 rods to a red oak tree marked thence w 16 Degrees South 28 rods
marked thence w 24 º S 35 rods to a white oak marked thence w
4 º S 20 rods to a Black oak tree marked thence w 2 º north 39
rods to a Large white oak stump thence w 30 º north 100 rods to a
heap of Stones thence north 6 º w 14 rods to a heap of Stones
thence west 40 º north 21 rods to a heap of Stones by a wall
thence w 46 rods to a heap of Stones thence Southwest 5 rods
thence northwest 7 rods to a heap of Stones thence w 36 rods
to a heap of Stones north of Titus Baleys house thence west
heap of Stones thence west to the Southeast Corner of george
Mattesons Land thence westerly by the north side of the old
Greenwich path So Called 100 rods to a heap of Stones
thence west 8 rods to a heap of Stones one rod to the north
of the north west Corner of Thomas Manchesters Land thence
west 4 º North 35 rods to a heap of Stones thence west 6 º
north 23 rods to a heap of Stones thence Northwest 19 rods
to a heap of Stones 2 rods north of James megonigals Land
thence west 76 rods to a white oak Staddle marked about
two rods and a half north of the northwest Corner of James
megonigalls Land thence w 9 º South 8 rods to a heap of
stones thence w 33 º North 46 rods to a heap of Stones thence
[torn] 50 º north 12 rods to a heap of Stones thence w 30 º South
[torn] rods to a heap of Stones thence w 16 º South 12 rods to
a heap of Stones thence west 35 º north 9 rods to a heap of

(end page 1)

Stones thence west 40 º South 18 rods to a heap of Stones
thence w 8 º north 4 rods to a Large Chestnut Stump thence w 13 º
north 19 rods to a heap of Stones thence w 20 º South 8 rods to a
heap of Stones thence w 14 º South 140 rods by the South Side
of Capt Isaac Gallups house and into the Road that Lies north
and South to the west of his house To Have and to hold the above
ranted premises (Except the Boundaries of our Lands which
are not to be Demolished) to be used and Improved as a publick
highway and we the sd Archabald Kasson Archabald Gordon Titus
Baley Thomas Manchester James Megonigall George Matteson and Isaac
Gallup Do for our Selves and our heirs Covenant with the town of
Volluntown that at and untill the Ensealing of these presents
we are well Seized of the premises as a good Indefeasable Estate
in fee simple and have good Right to Convey and Confirm the Same
as above and that the Same is free from all Incumbrances and fur=
thermore Do by these presents Bind our Selves our heirs
Executors and administrators to warrant and Defend the above
Granted premises unto the town afore Sd against all Claims
and Demands Whatsoever in witness whereof we have hereunto
Set our hands and Seals this 12th Day of december Anno
Domini 1785 Signed Dealed and Delivered in presence
of John Wylie                                                       Isaac Gallup {seal}
     Titus Baley                                                        James Megonigal {seal}
     Benjamin Dow                                            George Matteson {seal}
     Joseph Wylie                                                  Titus Baley {seal}
                                                                                  Thomas  T  Manchester {seal}
                                                                                    Archabald Gordon {seal}
                                                                                    Archabald Kasson {seal}

Volluntown Windham County December 12th Day 1785
personally appeared Isaac Gallup James Megonigal George Matt=
=Son Titus Baley Thomas Manchestor and Archabald Gordon the
above Signers and Sealers and acknowledged the Same to be their
free act and Deed before Joseph Wylie Justice peace

Volluntown Windham County                    personally appeared
Archibald Kasson the above named Archabald Kasson Signer
to this Deed and acknowledged the Same to be his free
act and Deed Before me Joseph Wylie Justice peace
January the 2d Day AD 1786 then Received the above Deed
to Record and Recorded by me Benjamin Dow Recorder

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