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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: Voluntown, CT

George Matteson to Jeremiah Matteson
Dated April 01, 1787, Recorded May 19, 1787

To all people to whom these presents Shall Come Know
ye that I George Matteson of Volluntown in the County of
Windham and State of Connecticut in New England yeoman
in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred and three pounds ten
Shillings Lawfull money to me in hand paid by Jeremiah
Matteson of West Greenwich in the County of Kent and State
of Rhode Island yeoman I the sd George Matteson give grant Bargain
Sell alien infeeoff Convey and Confirm unto the sd Jeremiah
Matteson and to his heirs and assigns forever one Certain tract
or Lot of Land Scituate Lying and Being in the town of
Volluntown afore sd Containing by Estimation about twenty
four acres be the Same more or Less and is Bounded as follow=
=eth Beginning at a heap of Stones on the west Side of pine
hill Road (So Called) and on the South Line of Thomas Matte=
sons Land Running westerly by sd Line about Sixtry five rods be
it more or Less to a Stake and Stones then Southerly about
forty Eight rods to a heap of Stones near the head of a Spring
then Easterly ten rods to a heap of Stones then Southerly
twenty three rods to an apple tree marked then Easterly about
fifty five rods to a heap of Stones by pine hill road afore
sd then Northerly about twenty rods by sd Road to the first
mentioned Bounds to have and to hold the sd tract or Lot

(end page 82)

of Land unto the sd Jeremiah Matteson and to his heirs
and assigns forever and the sd George Matteson Do for him Self
his heirs and Covenant to and with the sd jeremiah Matteson in
manner floowing that at the time and untill the Ensealing and
Delivery of these presents he is the sole owner of the sd Lot of Land
and within himself have Lawfull authority to Dispose of the Same
in manner as afore sd and further the sd George Matteson Doth
hereby Binf himself and his heirs forever hereafter to warrant
Secure and Defend the above Bargained premises unto the sd Jeremi=
=ah Matteson and to his heirs and assigns against all Claims what=
=soever in witness whereof the sd george Matteson Doth Hereunto Set
his hand and Seal the 1st Day of april AD 1787
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in presence of us                                                                          George Matteson {seal}
Robert Dixson
Thomas Matteson                                                                      in Volluntown in windham County on the
                                                                                               27th Day of april AD 1787 the per=
May the 19th Day AD                                                                 =sonally appeared George Matteson the
1787 then received the                                                              within Signer and acknowledged the within
above deed to Record and                                                          written instrument to be his free act and
Recorded by me Benjamin                                                         Deed     Before me
Dow Recorder                                                                           Robert Dixson Justice peace

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