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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: West Greenwich Land Evidence Book 5 1766-1771 Pages 429-431

David & Rebekah Matteson to son Josiah
Dated June 13, 1770

To all people To whom these presents
Shall Come greeting I David Matteson of West
Greenwich in the County of Kent and Colony of
Rhodeisland yeoman for and Inconsideration
of the love and good will which I have and Do
Bear Towards my Loving Son Josiah Matteson
of the Town County and Colony aforesaid Labourer
Have given and Granted and by these Presents
Do freely and absolutely give and Grant unto
my said Son Josiah Matteson, his heirs Executors
or administrators and assigns one messauge on
Tract of Land Situate Lying and Being within
the aforesaid West Greenwich It being the East
termost Part on my homestead farm being by Estim
ations forty acres be the Same more or Less buted
and bounded as followeth (viz) begining at a heap
of Stones West of the South from where Joseph
Drapers Barn /\now Stands which heap of Stones is three
Rods South from my North Line from thence
South Twenty Six Rods To a heap of Stones
from thence Twenty five Rods West to a Large
Rock with a heap of Stones on it from thence
a South Line Twenty Eight Rods To a heap of
Stones from thence a West Line five Rods To a
Heap of Stones from thence Two Rods South to
a Heap of Stones from thence a East Line five
Rods to a heap of Stones from thence a South
Line To my Sons farm which he Lately

end page 429

Bought of Palmer Gardner Southeasterly on his farm
East on a highway thence three Rods of Joseph Drapers Land
North on me David Mattesons To the first Mentioned
Bounds To Have and To Hold the said Granted
and Bargained premises with all the appurtenances Priveledg
es and Commodities thereunto belonging or any otherthing
[crossed out] belonging thereunto To him the said Josiah
Matteson his heirs and assigns forever To his and their
own proper use and Benefit And Behoof forever and
The said David Matteson for me and my heirs Exe
cutors and administrators Do Covent promise and Grant
To and with the said Josiah Matteson his heirs & assigns
that Before the Ensealing hereof I am the True Solo and
Lawfull owner of the above Bargained premises and am
Lawfully Seized and Possesed of the Same in mine own
proper Right as a good Perfect and absolute Estate of
Inheritance in fee Simple and have in my Self good
Right full power and lawfull authority to Convey &
Confirm Said premises in manner as abovesaid that
The said Josiah Matteson his heirs and assigns Shall
and may from time to time and at all times forever
Hereafter by force and virtue of these presents Lawfully
and peaciblaly and Quietly have Hold use occupy
freely and Clearly against Sales Leases Mortgages
wills Entails Jointures Dowries Judgments Executions
or Incumbrances of what Name or Nature Soever that
might in any Measure or Degree obstruct or make void
this present Deed: Furthermore I the Said David
Matteson for my Self my heirs Executors and

end of page 430

Administrators Do Covenant and Engage the
above Demised premises To him the said Josiah Matteson
his heirs and assigns against the Lawfull Claims
or Demands of any person or persons whatsoever
forever to Warrant Secure and Defend by these
presents Furthermore I Rebeckah Matteson
the wife of the said David Matteson Do hereby
freely and Willingly yeilds up and Surrender all my
Right of Dower and power of thirds of and in the
above Granted premises unto him the said Josiah Matte
son his heirs and assigns forever In Wittness whereof
We have hereunto Set our Hands and Seals the
Twenty Sixth Day of october in the Tenth year
of his Majesties Reign AD 1769
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of                                      David Matteson {seal}
Philip Greene                                                          her
                                                               Rebeckah X Matteson {seal}
Caleb Greene                                                         mark

Personally appeared the abovesaid Grantor at the
Time of Granting and Did acknowledge before
me the Subscriber the abovesaid Deed to be of his
own Voluntary free will and record hand and Seal
thereunto affixed before me
                                            Philip Greene Just of Peace
Recieved the aforegoing Deed the 29th Day
of may AD 1770 & Recorded and Compared the Same
the 13th Day of June AD 1770
                                                   Job Spencer Town Clk

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