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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Captain Henry Matteson and wife Judith to son Ebenezer
Dated May 26, 1740

There will undoubtedly be some errors in this transcription that cannot be avoided. The biggest problem with this document is that the original has text running into the seam of the ledger. The clerk condensed the letters making it difficult to know if the remaining letters were really there or not. I have taken the liberty of completing them keeping in line with the document. This clerk is notorious for having not been clear on the use of the vowels. Therefore some words I have changed for clearer reading. A good example is the word "poort" for "part". The word "person" orginally looked like "povson".

To all people to whom these presents Shall Come I Henry Matti
son of East Greenwich in the County of Providence and Colony of Rhod Is
land and providence plantations yeoman Send Greeting for and in Consider
ation of the Love Good Will and affection which I have and do have unto
my Son Ebenezor Mattison of the Town County and Colony abovesaid
Husbandman have given and granted and by these presents Do freely
and absolutely Give and grant unto my Said Son Ebenezor mattison
his heirs executors and administrators and assigns forever my household
farm where I now dwell Lying and being in the jurisdiction of
East Greenwich aforesaid and in that poort Called the new purchas
ed Land and is poort of a Second Division farm in Said purchase

end page 51

and is by Estimation sixty acres of Land be the Same more or less and
bounded as followith (viz) northerly and Easterly by Land of my Son Jona
than Mattison Southerly on the rivour that my mill flows and (unreadable)
orly on a highway Together with the grist mill housing Buildings fencings
and water courses all except the Saw mill and the Priveledge of the same
to Said Saw mill which is wholly Exsepted To Have and to Hols
this Said granted and Bargained premises the priveledges and appur
tinces Except the said Saw mill to the same belonging or way
wise apportaining to him the Said Ebenezor mattison his heirs and
assigns forever to his and their only proper use and benefit and behoof forever
and I the Said Henry mattison for me my heirs and Executors and administ
rators Do promise and grant to and with the Said Ebenezor
Mattison his heirs and assigns that at and Before the Ensealing time
I am the true sole and Lawfull owner of the above Granted
Premises and am Lawfully Seized and Possesed of the Same in my
own proper right ? a Good perfect and absolute Estate of Inherita
nce in fee simple and have in my Self Good right full power of
Lawfull authority to Grant Convey and Confirm Said premises in manner
as above Said and that the Said Ebenezor Mattison his heirs and assigns
Shall and may have time to time and at all times forever time after
by force and virtue of these presents: Lawfully peacably Have Hold use
occupy posses and enjoy the Said Dimised and Granted Premises with the
appurtances free and Clear and freely and Clearly acquited Exonerated
and Discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other
Gifts Grants Bargains Sailes Leases mortgages Wills Entailes Joyntor
Dowries Judgemonts Executions Encomberances and Excutors Further
more I the Said Henry Mattison for my self my heirs Executors
Administrators Do Covenant and engage the above premises to
him the ^sd^ Ebenezor mattison his heirs and assigns against the Lawfull Claims
or Demands of any person or persons whatsoever forever here after
to warrant forever and Defend and forthermore I Judith Mattison
wife of the Said Henry Mattison doth by these presents give
yield up and surrender all of my Right of Dower and power of Thirds unto
the above named Ebenezor Mattison his heirs and assigns forever
In witness wheir of we have hereunto Sett our hands and Seals
this 26th Day of May in the Thirteenth year of the Reign of our
Sovereign Land George the Second King of Great Britain AD 1740

Signed Sealed and Dilivered                                 his
in the presence of --                                  Henry HM mattison {LS}
John Spencer                                                her^mark
Ben^ja Sweet                                          Judith C Mattison {LS}

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