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Transcribed by Marge Matteson

Source: West Greenwich, RI

Abraham and Josiah Matteson to Peleg Matteson
Dated March 28, 1853

Know all men by the presents that We Abraham
Matteson and Josiah Matteson both of West Greenwich in the
County of Kent and State of Rhode Island vc heirs at law of Corey
Matteson late of said West Greenwich deceased, do for and in considerat
ion of three hundreed dollars to us paid by Peleg Matteson of the town,
County and State abovesaid the receipt whereof We do hereby acknowledg-
e, have remised, released, and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do
remise, release, and forever quitclaim, unto him the said Peleg Matteson
his heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, property, cla
im and demand whuch We now have, or of right ought to have or claim,
in and to, a Certain Tract or parcel of land, as heirs at law of Corey Matt
eson deceased, situate in said town of West greenwich, and is butted and
bounded as follows (viz-) westerly on land of said Peleg Matteson, Southerly
on land of said Grantee in part, and partly on land of Benoni Matteson,
Easterly partly on land of Jeremiah Matteson, and partly on land of Gardner
Reynolds, and northerly on land of said Gardner reynolds containing by
estimation forty acres be the same more or less.-- And I Mary Matteson
wife of said Corey Matteson do for and in consideration of one dollar to
me paid by said Peleg Matteson yield up and surrender all my right of dower
and power of thirds, in and to the premises abovedescribed, to him said
Peleg Matteson his heirs and assigns, forever.----To have and to hold the
same with all the rights, priveledges and appurtenances therof, or thereunto
appertaining to him the said Peleg Matteson his heirs and assign forever
and We the aforenamed Abraham Matteson and Josiah Matteson for us and for
our heirs , executors, and administrators, do covenant with the said Peleg Matteson
his heirs and assigns, that We will warrant and defend the aforedescribed premises
to him the said Peleg Matteson his heirs and assigns forver, against the lawful
claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through or under us.
And We Eunice Matteson and Rebeccah Matteson wives of the aforesaid
Grantors do for the consideration paid our husbands yeild up and
surrender all our power of thirds, or rights of dower, in and to, the abovedescribed
land and premises, to thim the said Peleg Matteson his heirs and assigns forever.
In Testimony whereof We have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty eighth
day of March A.D. 1853. ~~                                        Josiah Matteson           L.S.
Signed, Sealed & delivered in presence of                 Rebecah Matteson           L.S.
Ephraim Browning                                                     Abram Matteson           L.S.
Caleb Cole                                                                Eunice Matteson           L.S.
unreadable                                                                  Mary Matteson           L.S.

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