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Arthur G. Mathewson

From: Goodspeed's History of Southeast Missouri
Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888
Submitted by Jonathan Laing

Arthur G. Mathewson, an enterprising and prosperous merchant of the firm of Mathewson & Co., New Madrid, Mo., was born in Providence, R. I., on March 16, 1851. He is a son of Charles E. A. and Eliza (Gilbert) Mathewson, natives of Rhode Island and New York respectively. Charles E. A. Mathewson served through the late war as orderly sergeant in the Fifth Rhode Island Infantry, and participated in all engagements of his regiment. Both he and his wife died in Rhode Island. Arthur G. remained in his native city until he was sixteen years of age, and had the advantage of its schools. In 1867 he went to Ohio, and spent about three years on a farm in Warren and Greene Counties. In the fall of 1869 he went via St. Louis to Arkansas, where he spent the winter of 1869-70. In the spring of 1870 he came to New Madrid, and was engaged on a farm and as clerk in a store until 1873, when he was appointed deputy postmaster, which position he held until 1874, when he went to Jackson, Mo., and remained three years clerking in a store. Returning to New Madrid in 1877, he was married on February 14 of the next year to Lizzie Roth, a native of the county, and a daughter of Jacob Roth, deceased. Upon his return he took his old position as assistant postmaster, and also established the Southeast Chronicle, which paper he published about three years, serving in the postoffice until September 15, 1884. He then, in partnership with Joseph Hunter, purchased his present business, in which he carries a large stock of furniture, lumber, shingles, brick, and also conducts an undertaking business. Mr. Mathewson united with the Presbyterian Church in 1871, and has since been elected one of the ruling elders of the church. His wife is a member of the same church. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., and has twice represented his lodge in the Grand Lodge of Missouri. To him and wife have been born four children: Truman (who died when one year and fifty weeks old), Mabel, Harriet, Pearl and Gilbert Roth. Politically Mr. Mathewson is a Democrat, and was elected school commissioner in 1887.


From: Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri: A Compendium of History and Biography for Ready Reference Vol 4
The Southern history company, Haldeman, Conard & co., proprietors, 1901
Edited by Howard Louis Conard

Mathewson, Arthur G., merchant, was born March 16, 1851, in Providence, Rhode Island, son of Charles E. A. and Eliza (Gilbert) Mathewson, of whom the first named was born in Rhode Island and the last named in New York. The father was an intelligent and industrious man who passed all the years of his life in Rhode Island and died there. He served throughout the Civil War in the Union Army, and was an orderly sergeant in the Fifth Infantry Regiment of Rhode Island Volunteers. Arthur G. Mathewson attended the public schools of Providence until he was in his sixteenth year, when he left his native State and went to Warren County, Ohio. There he passed three years on a farm, with the result that he added to his physical vigor and acquired habits of industry which are distinguishing characteristics of the farmer's life. At the end of this period he went to Arkansas, where he remained during the winter of 1869 and 1870. In the spring following he came to New Madrid County, Missouri, and for a short time thereafter worked on a farm. He then clerked in a store in New Madrid for some time, and in 1873 was appointed deputy postmaster at that place. He filled this office for one year, and thereafter until 1877 clerked in a store at Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. In the year last named he returned to New Madrid and resumed his old position in the post office. Shortly afterward he established in New Madrid a newspaper, the "Southeast Chronicle," which he published until 1880. In 1884 he resigned his position in the post office and embarked in the business of merchandising with Joseph Hunter as a partner, the firm name being Mathewson & Company. These enterprising and sagacious gentlemen, who thus became identified with the mercantile interests of southeast Missouri, soon built up a large trade and erected a handsome store building which they occupied until 1899, when it was destroyed by fire with the entire stock of goods which it contained. Soon after this disaster, the firm reorganized as the Mathewson Mercantile Company, and erected a handsome brick store building as successor to the frame building in which the business had previously been carried on. Since then they have enjoyed increased prosperity, and their establishment is one of the largest of its kind in that portion of the State. Mr. Mathewson has demonstrated that he has a natural genius for merchandising, and his correct business methods, fair dealing and courteous treatment of patrons have drawn about him a large circle of friends. He is a Democrat in politics, but has been too much absorbed in business to hold any public office other than those of alderman and school commissioner, in which capacities he rendered useful services to the public. He is a zealous Presbyterian churchman, and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He has several times represented the lodge with which he affiliates in the Missouri Grand Lodge of United Workmen. February 14, 1878, Mr. Mathewson married Miss Lizzie Roth, of New Madrid County, and nine children have been born to them, eight of whom were living in 1900.



Evergreen Cemetery New Madrid County, Missouri
Mathewson, Amelia RoseJune 5, 1890Nov. 7, 1914Dau. Of A. G. & Elizabeth Mathewson Sister
Mathewson, Truman RDec. 2, 1878Nov. 26, 1880 
Mathewson, HughOct. 31, 1888June 30, 1889 
Mathewson, A. G.March 16, 1852Aug. 30, 1916 
Mathewson, Elizabeth RothFeb. 8, 1860June 3, 1942Wife of A. G. Mathewson Mother

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