
This is the database of Ken Matteson, 6th great-grandson of Henry Matteson the immigrant, the first ancestor of nearly all Matteson's in America.
My loving wife of the last 30 years passed away in late April of 2020.I am living on a fixed income and with each passing year it gets more difficult to maintain this database and my website. I can only say Thank You to all of the many contributors over the years who either provided additional data or cash to help keep the site going. Without your help this website would not be what it is today. Please make the best use of this database as the next year could always be it's last.
If you are looking to set up a new user account, please contact me at packrat@ratters.com. All other requests for access will be ignored! Please explain your Matteson relationship! Let me know if your interest is in only one particular branch. Current members of the Matteson Historical Congress of America Inc. are instead encouraged to make use of their genealogists and other resources.
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) can now be found under INFO.
You can help to improve the database by sending me corrections or new additions (sources appreciated). I only give the names of all individuals still living to discourage identity theft. Individuals marked as living (without a date of death) are identified in red.
If you see the phrase "Maintenance Mode is ON being displayed it means that I am either updating the database or performing other routine maintenance. Check back later for access.
Did you know that you could edit your password and other profile settings on almost every page of the database? Look for the Edit Profile link on any page except the database homepage.
Nearly all Mattesons in the United States can trace their heritage back to Henry and Hannah (Parsons) Matteson of Rhode Island. Some other common spellings of the Matteson surname are Mattison, Mathewson and Madison. Some of the towns in which our Matteson ancestors lived were: East Greenwich, West Greenwich, Exeter, Coventry, Warwick, and Providence Rhode Island, Bennington and Shaftsbury Vermont, and several places in New York State before spreading out all over America. This website has provided free historical and genealogical information on the Matteson family since June 27, 2002.
Take a look around our website and make yourself at home, after all, you're family! Follow us on Facebook.
David and Sarah (Corey) Matteson: To my knowledge the only proven child of Sarah Corey (b 1712 d abt 1762) and David Matteson (b abt 1715 d 1809) is Elizabeth. This Sarah Corey is listed as being married to two separate David Mattesons in Porter Matteson's 'Matteson's in America'. It remains unclear if Sarah was indeed married to two different Mattesons with the same name or if in fact there were two different Sarah Coreys that married men of the same name. A large number of descendants trace their lineage back to David and Sarah, they are all listed here as being descended from this David and Sarah. If and when new evidence presents itself this will be corrected.
Carl Ethan Akeley: I have yet to find anything that would indicate that Carl Ethan Akeley is a Matteson descendant despite the fact that the Matteson Historical Congress of America includes him in their "Matteson Hall of Fame". It appears that the Mattesons that they claim he is descended from are in fact not Mattesons at all but Matsons. I have left his ancestry in the database in case anyone wishes to research it further.

This website is an independent endeavor and all expenses with regard to this website; registration fees, hosting fees, etc., are paid for out of pocket by myself. You can help improve the database by sending me any additions or corrections.And you can help support this site directly by contributing to our Paypal Tips Jar by clicking on the link above, or by contacting us via email. Please note that contributions are not tax-deductible but go towards maintaining the site.
*The information contained in this web site comes from various sources and much of it remains undocumented. You are reminded that all information from any source, including these pages, may contain errors, inaccuracies, or typographical errors and must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. The site owner/webmaster does not give or make any representation or warranty (either express or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability or usefulness of the contents of the web site and the linked websites, nor does the site owner/webmaster accept any responsibility arising in any way (including from negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the contents of this web site and the linked web sites. Users are advised to evaluate carefully and establish the validity and integrity of the information found on this and all web sites. Any reliance upon any information shall be solely at the users risk.
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